King's Business - 1962-10

Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM U M $3.00

Help! Need experienced Christian artist for lay­ outs, design and art preparation for offset camera., Midwest. Box 402, The King's Business. Estay folding organ* for sale. Good condition. Write or call 2007 West 78 Place, Los Angeles 47, California, PL 9-8636. Christian Education King's Missionary Training Institute offers spe­ cialized training in Bible, liberal arts, radio, teaching, printing, nursing and mechanics. Train­ ing for missionary outreach may be found at the King's Garden. Write: KMT I, Dept. K, King's Garden, Seattle 33, Washington. Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Christmas Chimes! Free Records! Excellent Chime Recordings. Hi-Fi 33 1/3 12" double-side records. Albums available: Christmas Chimes, Praise, Faith, Cathedral, Morning, Eve­ ning, Wedding, Easter, Patriotic, Memories. Also Organ-Chimes Albums: Christmas, Wedding, Hymns, Favorites. Twenty hymns on each. One FREE for every three purchased. $3.98 each monoral. $4.98 stereo. Postage Paid. Free cata­ logue. Write CHIMES, 1818 Outpost Drive, Holly­ wood 28, California. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. REBIND OWN BIBLE— Easy, simplified method— kits, cover, glue and sheets— material, instruc­ tions. Lexide cover, $1.95; Morocco, $5. State Bible size, U.S. Bible Bindery, Box 15051, Dallas 1, Texas. Witness with Scripture tracts, 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. Scripture Witness, 90 Coral Street, Paterson 2, N. J.____________________________ IT'S NEW!! TEACHING TITHING TO TOTS AND TEENS. Two flannelgraph lessons, 40 colored pictures, will adhere, full lesson material. $2.50 postpaid. Meers Publications, Dept. A, 1009 Fifth Avenue, Fort Worth 4, Texas. WITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00. Beautiful, heart-touching, missionary song Free with order. Rev. Billy Swaan, Ruskin, B.C., .Can. JUNIOR SURPRISE OBJECT LESSONS. Free sam­ ple. Ten lessons complete, $2.00. All self-con­ tained. Arnold Westphal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan City, Indiana. Write tor free samples of the latest "JET" Gos­ pel Bombs. Carleton E. Null, P.O. Box 501, Oak­ land 4, California. Christian Homes Personalized care for the aged. Problem cases welcomed in my Christian Home. 17466 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, California. Phone 345-7506. Home for the aged, with emphasis on Christian fellowship and service. Twenty-four hour care. 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California. PR 6-1951. Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Saattle 11, Wash. Christian Institutions KING'S GARDEN — Faith — Service —- Outreach for Christ. Write for Free Brochures — You may help support this world wide missionary training ministry. Simply write King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. ____________ ____ CHRISTIAN COUPLE WANTED FOR HOUSE- PARENTS IN A CHRISTIAN HOME FOR TEEN­ AGE BOYS. Write the Manager at P.O. Box 781 — Turlock, Calif, giving experience and back­ ground.

Dr. V. Raymond Edman, president of Wheaton College, was named “ Alum­ nus of the Year” for 1962 by the Nyack Missionary College alumni, at a gathering held in Miami where more than 400 alumni were on hand. Dr. Paul Freed. President of Trans- World Radio, has announced that an agreement has been reached between Trans-World Radio and the govern­ ment of the Netherlands Antilles, pro­ viding for the construction and opera­ tion of a powerful Christian radio station on the island of Curacao in the Caribbean. The station will fea­ ture interdenominational broadcasts in twenty-two languages directed from Curacao to Europe, Africa, North, South and Central Americas. The object of these broadcasts is to beam the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world in answer to the command, “ Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea­ ture.” Pictured above is His execel- lency, Mr. E. Jonchkeer, Prime Min­ ister of the Netherland Antilles, with Dr. Freed at the conclusion of an agreement for the construction of one of the most powerful radio stations in the world. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, missionary pas­ tor of The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada, recently returned from an evangelistic campaign in Iceland. The meetings were held in the capital city of Reykjavik in the largest Lutheran church of Iceland. The great church was filled each night, and many went forward to accept Christ. These were the largest meetings ever held in the history of Iceland, and never before had there been such response. Truly it was a mighty work of the Spirit of God. Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president of The Evangelical Free Church of America, has announced the dedication this month of the new international head­ quarters building in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The new structure will also house the Free Church Press,

Beacon Book Store and editorial offices of The Evangelical Beacon. M iss Esther Ellinghusen, international­ ly known Sunday school authority and associate editor of Gospel Light Publications, died Sunday, July 1, in Los Angeles, California following a stroke suffered the day before. Miss Ellinghusen was co-founder of Gospel Light Press with Dr. Henrietta C. Mears. Dr. Mears said, “ I worked with Esther for over thirty years and found her to be one of the most re­ sourceful and creative persons I have ever known. Her life was a constant challenge.” Dr. Walter M. Montano, Consul Gen­ eral of Bolivia, is the only evangelical minister and missionary statesman from Latin America ever to be ap­ pointed to this high position. While he exercises his duties as a Consul General, he has never relinquished his activities as an evangelist and missionary leader in Latin America and the United States. As an evan­ gelist, Dr. Montano has conducted the largest evangelistic campaign ever held in Latin America. John W. Peterson, the popular gospel song-writer and cantata composer, has been elected president of Sing- spiration, Inc., well-known publishers of gospel song and chorus books, hym­ nals, as well as Christmas and Easter cantatas. The continuing objective of Singspiration will be “ to publish and produce gospel songs that exalt the Lord Jesus, that magnify God the Father, and to assure the kind of music that the Holy Spirit can em­ power as the songs are sung.” Dr. Joseph P. Free, professor of ar­ chaeology at Wheaton College, has announced the annual archaeology conference to convene on Wheaton College campus this month. Speakers will be Dr. R. Laird Harris, annual director of the Near East School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, and Dr. Bastiaan Van Elderen of Calvin Col­ lege, G^and Rapids, Michigan.



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