The Confusion of Tongues
by Dr. S. H. Sutherland
appreciate STONY BROOK’S Scholarship Aid” says Glenn Jamison Tanta, Egypt The School is operated not for profit but to render service in the field of Christian edu cation. Because of endowment income and the annual contributions of generous friends, the School is able to maintain a tuition rate lower than that of most schools in its class. Each year a large amount of scholarship aid is granted on evidence of the character, abil ity and earnest purpose of the applicant, and the financial need. While this policy applies especially to sons of ministers, missionaries, and other Christian workers, it is by no means limited to such boys. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture^ Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities,
Never in the history of the English-speaking peo ples has there been such a rash of so-called new “ translations” of the W ord of God. The average lay man, instead of being helped by these translations, is becoming more and more confused. He asks, with increasing bewilderment, “ W hat does it all mean? Where w ill this end? What is the matter with the Bible I used to hear at m y mother’s knee and which I learned to read in Sunday school? Is it no longer acceptable? W h y must we obtain this or that trans lation to become real Bible students?” And the cry goes up: “ They have taken away m y Bible, and I know not where they have laid it!” The confusion is increased by the fact that even the so-called “ great scholars” are not agreed as to which translation is most acceptable. So great is the disagreement that there seems no longer to be any standard translation. Every man seems to be produc ing his own Bible as it seems good in his own sight. It all adds up to the sad fact that this generation will be known as “ the generation of confusion” so far as translations of the Bible are concerned. One looks in vain for evidence in this welter of claims for the new Bibles that anything is being accomplished for the spiritual uplift and edification o f the Christian public. Nor is there any proof that people are ob taining a clearer understanding of what the W ord of God actually says, much less of what it means! One unmistakably tragic fact is emerging. The translations receiving the widest publicity from pub lishers and from the liberal element in Protestantism are those which tend to downgrade the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and raise a question as to His spotless humanity and His eternal God head. To the extent that these new “ translations” are able to do this, they w ill negate the influence and authority the Authorized (K ing James) Version has exercised upon the average Christian. Evidence of this deplorable trend appeared in an Associated Press dispatch, dateline London, August 1962. It contains a quotation b y Professor Godfrey R. Driver, direc tor of the ten-man panel now working on the Old Testament, the N ew Testament having appeared a little over a year ago bearing the title, The N ew English B ible, N ew Testam ent. Dr. Driver is reported as stating that “ time-honored words like virgin , I Jehovah and leprosy, will disappear in the new ver-
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the School aims at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach ing, Stony Brook is making a dis tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F r a n k E. G aebelein Headmaster
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For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, 'Dept. 80 T H E S TON Y BROOK SCHOO L Stony Brook, Long Island • New York m M Theological Seminary Thorough Preparation f or
O < c n Pastors * Missionaries Teachers • Evangelists offering B. D. and Th M Degrees Premillennial * Dispensations! 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Cal. Charles L Feinberg ■Dean, Th.D., Ph.D. “ The Lord g a v e the w o r d : g r e a t w a s the com p a n y o f th ose that p u b lish ed it.“ . ^ y n f .... Psalm 68:1 1 OCTOBER IS PROTESTANT PRESS MONTH THE KING'S BUSINESS 6
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