King's Business - 1962-10


sion.” He explains that virgin is eliminated from Isaiah because, “ like the corresponding Greek word, it means on ly a marriageable young w o­ man, whether virgin or not” ; he claims leprosy has changed its meaning; that Jehovah was “ merely a solecism produced in 1520” (perhaps he meant 1620 — or it could have been a typographical error!) One is stunned at the effrontery of these men, as they arrogantly cast aside words and phrases which have become a vital, sacred part of the life and convictions of generations of Christians for the more than three hundred and fifty years during which we have relied upon the Author­ ized Version. These “ translators” utterly ignore the erudition of the learned and devout men who made up the translation committees o f the Authorized Version o f 1611, the Revised Version of 1885 and the Ameri­ can Standard Version of 1901. These able and devout scholars recognized the above words as accurate translations of the original languages, of which they had an impressive knowledge. N ow the new crop of self- styled Biblical scholars, with a complete disregard for these great trans­ lations of the past three centuries, insolently undermine the very core of all that has been inviolable to the Lord’s people o f past and present generations. They are determined to foist upon today’s Christian public opinions and interpretations (not translations) which will weaken further the already apathetic views held by the vast mass o f Protestants. They ostentatiously demand that their authority and scholarship be preferred to that of these great scholars of the past which would be humorous if it were not so tragic in its effect upon the layman who is easily im ­ pressed with a show of learning. Our hearts cry out to God that He will, in a way o f His own choosing, bring a stop to this deadly tampering with the W o rd of God which is bringing the H oly Bible down to the level of human “ philosophy and vain deceit.” Of course, the revolting ultimate of all these translations is the rumored N ew Ecumenical Bible which is being readied for publication within the next five or six years. It is a Bible which reportedly w ill be satisfactory to Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and apparently to men of all faiths and no faith! It should be the translation to end all translations! (sic!) A ll of this leaves the Christian public with absolutely no Bible what­ soever that can be read in unison in public worship. Unless we can main­ tain a norm for public reading and Scripture memorization, there will be an increasing confusion of tongues whenever the Bible is read publicly and whenever adults and children engage in committing Scripture to memory. This is a call to pastors and Bible teachers everywhere to urge their congregations and classes to retain the Authorized Version for their per­ sonal and public worship. There are other translations o f real value which may be used as reference works but let us stay with the Version that has been of inestimable blessing to multiplied millions to whom it is “ the Bible” and “ the W ord o f God.” W e are satiated with new translations. God deliver us from this “ confusion of tongues” in the church which is called by H im to give His clear message of salvation to the most confused age the world has ever seen.



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