King's Business - 1955-08

“All authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” In other words, Jesus Christ clearly and repeatedly affirmed His deity. He claimed to be the “ Adonai” of the Old Testament. Time and again He identified Himself with God the Father, not only revealing Him büt claiming to be the same in substance with Him, equal in power and glory. He claimed and exercised the dis­ tinctive prerogative of God, the power to forgive sins. He proved His mastery over nature and His complete insight into human na­ ture. He accepted and approved the worship which is given to God alone. Supporting Evidence The consciousness of Christ sup­ ports His tremendous claims. Some of .the greatest minds in the world have devoted themselves to the study of this consciousness of Je­ sus. To claim is one thing; to justify and vindicate the claim is another thing. Character and deeds must bear the strain of this stupendous claim to be unique in relation to God and man. Great writers in Germany, Great Britain and other parts of the world realize that the con­ sciousness of Christ is the foun­ dation of His claims and if that is wanting then the claims them­ selves are baseless. One day dur­ ing the Civil War a man came to President Lincoln with what he claimed was a bullet-proof vest. Mr. Lincoln after examining it was not convinced. “ Put it on,” he said, “ and I will have a squad of soldiers try it out.” But the man declined the test. Now and then, here and there, men have arisen with their claims to be the Christ, but in the test they have miser­ ably failed. There are some irenic spirits who make the assertion that some of the teachings of Con­ fucius are as pure and lofty as those of Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. I do not believe that such a claim can be maintained, but even if it could be, the great difference still remains . Jesus Christ perfectly lived out His teachings. Some years ago, in our student days, Bobert E. Speer declared: “ Let any of us set ourselves up CONTINUED THE K IN G 'S BU SINESS

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