King's Business - 1955-08

tual greatness of Christ. The great intellects of the race stand out as sharp, towering peaks in vast mountain ranges of life, but the intellect of Jesus stands alone, un­ related, isolated, unique in su­ premacy. The more one studies the mind of Christ and the towering super­ iority of His intellect, the more he realizes that here is not only the greatest teacher of truth the world has ever seen, but there is no incongruity in His august and tremendous assertion, “ I am . . . the truth.” There is an entire ab­ sence of effort about Christ’s in­ tellectual life. Buddha labors in a long process of meditation. Con­ tinuous effort marks his state­ ments; Confucius likewise. As an intellectual force Mohammed is not comparable to either Buddha or Confucius; and many parts of the Koran are labored and child­ ish. But when Jesus is exercising His most amazing powers He seems to be merely pursuing the even tenor of His way. How pro­ found this word about Him, “How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” (John 7:15). In His thinking and speaking, note that He sustains the same re­ lation to time that He would sus­ tain if He were the Eternal One. The most penetrating observation Napoleon ever made was this: “ Christ proved that He was the Son of the Eternal by His disre­ gard of time; all His doctrines signify one and the same thing— eternity.” There are other amazing men­ tal characteristics in Christ not found combined in anyone else. He never had a shadow of doubt or uncertainty about anything. Moses, Elijah, Buddha, Moham­ med, Pascal, Luther, Calvin, Swe­ denborg, Wesley—all had periods of uncertainty and misgiving. He never conjectures. He never bal­ ances the probable and the im­ probable. He has no sense that for Him there is any mystery in life or nature, man or God. He has no sense of mystery in the pres­ ence of the infinite. He has no intellectual curiosity. The whole universe and all its secrets are an open book to Him. He speaks with the uncompromising authority of eternal knowledge. He is never CONTINUED

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