King's Business - 1955-08


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continued of nature, and in a very real and distinctive way. Those who reject the supernatural deny real mir­ acles, and thus criticize or reject the record of such as they are found in the Scriptures. The influence of science and the reign of law have so affected many people that they have come to believe that everything in the world proceeds by a fixed law of cause and effect and that interfer­ ence from without is impossible. Those persons who lay down the premise that there can be no mir­ acles reject the Bible as untrue wherever it records miracles. How unscientific is this method. True science takes all the facts into account whether they agree with one’s pre-suppositions or whether they astound and amaze by the unexpectedness of what is present­ ed. The true scientific attitude faces the fact of miracle just as truly as it faces that which is not miracle. Intervention for Our Good I s it not natural to suppose that, given God brought the universe into existence, He could within His own will and wisdom, intervene in the life of that universe for the high­ est ends, even though ordinarily it was moving in obedience to the laws which He had willed for it? Here is a great city street, thronged with people and crowded with traffic. Laws have been made and issued to govern the flow of that traffic. Officers, the represent­ atives of the law, stand at every congested corner. The green sig­ nals flash on and the roar of the traffic sweeps by. The law and the officers of the law have authorized this. Suddenly a child dashes across the street in the face of the law and the tide of traffic. Quick as a flash, the officer, the incarna­ tion of the law, raises his hand though the green light still shines. There is a grinding of brakes, while the officer himself reaches down and gathers the child into his arms, saving it from injury or death. Can anyone maintain that the officer did not have the right or the power to intervene? The law-

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