King's Business - 1955-08

giver is always greater than the law that he makes. The super­ natural God for the welfare of His children rules in His universe, not only unto the saving of their lives, but for the redemption of their souls. What Will You Do With Christ? W hat think ye of Christ? Have you ever had the experi­ ence that as you be­ gan to think about Christ you found He was thinking about you? Did you ever sit down to examine Him, and suddenly come to the realization that He was examining you? You are asking yourself what you think of Christ, and a voice, still but insistent, whispers to your spirit and says, “What will you do with Jesus that is called the Christ?” You may ex­ amine Jesus Christ with intellec­ tual impartiality, but you cannot examine Him with moral neutral­ ity. There He stands, a fact of history, but suddenly He has be­ come a part of you, for He is a fact before your conscience. What shall I do with this Man? And you are face to face with the great choice of life, the supreme choice. If you want to be a coward and turn away from Him and walk in the other direction, whether you pass through the greatest uni­ versities or work with your hands in the most humble station, Christ forever will remain for you just a . fact of history, someone who lived 1900 years ago. But if you heed that voice, if you yield to that call, if you come with Him according to the light you have, if you lay your will alongside His will, that fact of history, now a fact before your conscience and soul, will blossom forth into a glorious fact of spiritual experi­ ence. The Christian religion is life, not history. But it sprang out of history, is developed in con­ science, then blossoms in one’s soul and bursts forth into glorious life in the lives of all who receive Christ. The testimony is overwhelming as to the deity of Jesus Christ. Men do well to heed that evidence, to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only Son of God, and through believing to find life abundant and eternal. END.

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