King's Business - 1955-08

pulsion, nor, as in Mohammedan­ ism, by the use of the sword and the threat of death. This is for us personally to deter­ mine in our own hearts. We are free to receive Him; we are free to reject Him. It is a living option, and the consequences that follow our receiving Him will glo­ riously reach into eternity, trans­ forming and glorifying our lives. Hosts of men and women, “ a great multitude, which no man could number out of every nation, and of all tribes, and peoples, and tongues,” have believed in Christ as the only begotten Son of God, and have received Him as their Lord and Saviour. The wo rd s which the angel spoke to Joseph have been fulfilled to millions upon millions, “ Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for it is He that shall save His people from their sins.” The freedom from sin, the joy, the peace, the light, the abundant fife, the indestructible hope, the deliverance from fear, the purity and power and forgiveness which Jesus promised to men — if they would but believe in Him and fol­ low Him as true disciples — have been triumphantly realized and displayed in the lives of innumer­ able multitudes since. Among His followers have been men and women, the famous and the unknown, rich and poor, learn­ ed and unlettered, noble-born and humble-born, y o u n g and aged, scientist and farmer, statesman and herdsman, merchant and black­ smith, slave and freedman. All were sought with the same divine love; all were redeemed with the same grace; each was made a member of His Body; each had his name written in the Lamb’s book of life; each was assured a home in heaven forever with the Lord. Now what about you ? Are you going to be included in this great company of the redeemed? What are you going to do with Jesus? Christ, the living Saviour, is will­ ing and ready to transform your life this very moment. llAs many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name ” (John 1:12). Will you re­ ceive Him now? END.

Have You Considered Him continued same morning. He walked with two disciples (one by the name of Cleopas) as they were journeying to Emmaus, Easter afternoon. That night He appeared to the 10 apostles, Thomas being absent. A week later He appeared to the 11. He appeared after that to several more disciples at the sea of Galilee, while they were fishing; and to the apostle James. He appeared to the apostles and above 500 brethren on a mount designated in Galilee. At the time of His ascension, He ap­ peared to His disciples and others on the Mount of Olives.

the various fields of physical re­ search, you will know the name of the late Ambrose Fleming, emer­ itus professor of electrical engineer­ ing in the University of London, honorary fellow of St. John’s Col­ lege, Cambridge, recipient of the Faraday medal in 1928, given a biographical sketch in the 14th edition of the Encyclopedia Britan­ nica. Sir Ambrose Fleming wrote, “ Study at your leisure the records in the four Gospels of these events (the resurrection and other mir­ acles) and you will see that nothing in the certainly ascertained facts or principles of science forbids belief in those miracles. If that study is pursued with what eminent law­ yers have called a willing mind, it will engender a deep assurance that the Christian Church is not found­ ed on fiction, or n ou r i s h e d on delusions, but on historical and actual events, which, h ow e v e r strange they may be, are indeed the greatest events which have ever happened in the history of the world.” What do you think of this person Christ? What is your personal con­ clusion regarding His claims for Himself? If you do not accept them, have you sound reasons for rejecting them? Have you, yourself, come to a conclusion regarding this evidence, which is laid out before us so clearly in the Gospels of the New Testament? A man’s decision concerning Christ is the most important one he will ever make, for its consequences in this life are of transforming sig­ nificance, and the ultimate conse­ quences of such a decision reach into eternity. In fact, our decision will determine our eternity, for Jesus Himself said, “He that be- lieveth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, hut the wrath of God abideth on him.” A Faith Minus Force No one is going to force us to make such a decision. Faith in Christ is not brought about by com­

These appearances c anno t be brushed aside. Jesus Himself said to the frightened apostles in the upper room, when even they ques­ tioned the reality of His person, “Why are you t r oub l ed? and wherefore do questionings arise in your heart? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye behold me having.” And when He had said this He showed them His hands and His feet. A Lawyer Weighs the Facts Many of the greatest thinkers of modern times have gladly confessed their faith in the resurrection of Christ. If you happen to be a law­ yer, you will of course know that one of the greatest works on evi­ dence in this country for nearly 100 years was A Treatise on the Law of Evidence , first appearing in 1844, by Samuel Greenleaf (1783- 1853). This master of the important subject of evidence, t r a i n e d in weighing facts, while still a profes­ sor at Harvard wrote a volume en­ titled An Examination of the Testi­ mony of the Four Evangelists. He savs of the apostles, “ It was impos­ sible that they could have persisted in affirming the truths they have narrated had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, and had they not known this fact as certainly as thev knew any other fact.” If you are interested in any of



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