Conner Marketing February 2018

Cover article continued ... Once you’ve written your vision down, it’s time to take action. Part of that is meditating 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before going to bed. During your meditation time, really hear and see the sounds and sights of your vision. I also recommend some music to listen to for meditation. Check out “Angelic Music” by Lasos on iTunes, or go to for some great free background music.

e Your Next Conflict

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Acknowledge the issue. Find common ground. Understand all sides.

Attack the issue, not the person. Develop a mutual plan of action.

To really experience your vision, ask yourself these questions.

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How will meeting these goals make you feel?

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 Chronicles 15:7 But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work. Have You Heard the Good News … As it relates to achieving your vision? Compromise Is Key Most conflicts come from emotional wounds, and those wounds need to be healed. The only way to truly find a solution for both parties is to find mutual compromise. If you are coming from a place of understanding and working toward a win-win, then compromise is a natural stepping stone to conflict resolution. If you aren’t, compromise may just be a way to put a patch on the problem instead of actually solving it. Successful conflict resolution resides in these three ideals, and all of them require emotional intelligence. A certain degree of self-awareness and empathy is the foundation of finding solutions. When these traits are combined with understanding, an effort to find a win-win situation, and willingness to compromise, you’ll find your conflicts resolved in an effective, equitable manner that will maintain relationships for a lifetime.

How will others view you?

What impact will this have on others?

It may sound silly, but experiencing your vision is essential. You can make your vision really come alive during meditation by approaching it with your senses and emotions. For instance, if you envision owning a particular car someday, ask yourself where you’ll drive it to first. Who will you see while you’re driving the car, and who will see you? How do the seats and steering wheel feel? Do you detect that new car smell? How does the vehicle handle? And what sort of emotions does the new car evoke in you? Personally, my current vision is to become someone of greater value. I want to cultivate a world of working with accountable and powerful people. I want to become a symbol of growth and contribution. And as part of my plan to achieve this, I’ve set a few goals: delivering platinum session calls to my platinum members and speaking on 35 live stages this year. In my morning and evening meditation, I see and feel myself doing all of this — and I see and hear people thanking me for making a difference in their lives. Alongside the meditation, I’ve used some affirmations and vision language to help give me confidence in going after success. Consider using some of these phrases.

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I am the type of person who can succeed.

I am someone of value.

I have a story that should be shared. I amworthy of helping others. I am grateful for who I am becoming.

What prophecy are you self-fulfilling? The problem I see most often is that people do not run their lives based on impact or results (i.e., the vision). Instead, they run them based on payoff. For instance, when it comes to eating chocolate, the payoff is that it tastes good. But if you run your life based on results, you know that eating chocolate makes you fat, which is a compelling reason not to eat the chocolate. Without a vision, you won’t stick to a daily routine, and your routine is what creates your results. When opportunities to eat chocolate come along, you won’t have a vision in your head of the results you seek, so you’ll succumb to the short- term payoff, which practically guarantees that you won’t get the big successes you want to achieve.

I think you can see why vision is so important now. So, set a goal with a deadline to sit down, by yourself, and write out your 2018 vision. Then, practice the daily meditations, take action on your goals, and see your life transformed this year! –Jay Conner

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