Wellness Resources for UC-COM Faculty
Security and Support: Mental Health/Crisis Management Local Resources • UC Psychiatry – Expedited Scheduling o Lauren Goodwin - Clinical Operations Manager o Amy Seidel, Clinical Operations Director
513-585-7757 Primary contact for expedited outpatient evaluation, generally available Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM. Can easily refer to an available resource either in addiction or psychiatry. UC Psychiatry anticipates the ability to have an expedited evaluation performed within 1 - 2 days. o If you as a faculty member are experiencing an issue yourself, here are some other resources available through the College of Medicine: David Karol, MD (General Psychiatry) karold@ucmail.uc.edu 919-451-8665 Stephen Rush, MD (General Psychiatry) Rushsn@ucmail.uc.edu 317-709-3496 Jyoti Sachdeva, MD (Woman’s Health Psychiatry) sachdeji@ucmail.uc.edu 513-508-3930 Erin Thase, PhD (Psychologist) thaseen@ucmail.uc.edu 412-841-4346 Christine Wilder, MD (Addiction Psychiatry) Wildercn@ucmail.uc.edu 919-491-4227 Melissa DelBello, MD - Psychiatry Department Chair delbelmp@ucmail.uc.edu 513-702-2646
• Physician Support Line
888-409-0141 o Free confidential peer support line operated by volunteer psychiatrists
o 8am – 12am EST 7 days a week o www.physiciansupportline.com
• UCH Addiction Services
o Corey Bowman, Clinical Operations Manager o Amy Seidel, Clinical Operations Director o Melissa DelBello, Department Chair o Website: https://lindnercenterofhope.org/ o Intake Line (daytime hours): • Psychiatric Emergency Services at Ridgeway (PES): o Phone number: • Lindner Center of Hope o For all calls:
513-585-8291 513-585-7757 513-702-2646
513-536-HOPE (4673)
513-584-8577 o Address: University of Cincinnati Medical Center Psychiatric Services 3200 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45229)
• Suicide Prevention Hotline: o Phone number:
1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
o Website: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ • Impact Solutions – UC Employee Assistance Program: o Phone number:
1-800-227-6007 o Provides 24/7 counseling services (5 of which are free), resources for legal services, eldercare and childcare. All UC benefits-eligible employees and their household members, dependents living away from home, and both parents and in-laws are eligible to receive assistance. o Website: https://bit.ly/uc-benefits-eap • Anthem Medical Plan: LiveHealth Online o Access a full list of in-network providers offering mental health services at www.anthem.com. LiveHealth Online provides live, instant or planned visits via the web with mental health services providers.
Last update: 06.03.2022 Owner: Angela Doud
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