2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine

2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

C HAPTER 5 – H AZARD M ITIGATION S TRATEGY STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Irvine’s hazard mitigation strategy is a comprehensive set of actions that are intended to reduce the impacts of hazard events. These hazard mitigation actions will help to protect the safety and well-being of residents and visitors, CFs and FOC, other buildings and structures, key services, the local economy, and other important community assets. Some actions will also help with emergency preparedness, allowing for a more effective community response to hazard events. Preparedness actions are not a required component of an LHMP, but they support and complement mitigation activities, and the HMPC chose to include them as part of the overall hazard mitigation strategy. USE OF HAZARD AND THREAT ASSESSMENT The HMPC relied in part on the hazard profiles and threat assessments in this Plan to develop the actions in the mitigation strategy. A comprehensive set of mitigation actions that respond to the relevant hazard situations and provide protection to residents, businesses, and community assets in Irvine were prepared. The HMPC took care to ensure that the mitigation actions will help to reduce damage from the most frequent types of hazard events, the most significant that may reasonably occur, and those with the greatest potential to harm the community. The Committee also drafted mitigation actions that will help protect the most vulnerable members of the community and the most vulnerable local assets. CAPABILITIES ASSESSMENT As part of the effort to draft mitigation actions, the City completed a capabilities assessment, which included a review of existing policies, personnel, and technical resources that can support hazard mitigation activities in Irvine. The hazard mitigation actions build off the existing success of these resources and leverage their capabilities to support improved resiliency in the community. The capabilities assessment looked at the following types of resources: • Personnel resources: City employees and volunteers, and employees and volunteers at other agencies • Plan resource: Advisory or enforceable plans adopted by the City or other agencies. • Policy resource: Policies adopted and implemented by the City or other agencies • Technical resource: Data and tools available to the City • Financial resource: funding mechanisms available to the City that support mitigation activities Table 5-1 shows the capabilities assessment for Irvine.


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