City of Irvine
2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
California Department of Transportation
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The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is the state agency with jurisdiction over designated highways, including State Route 55 and Interstate Routes 405 and 5. Mitigation measures related to ensuring the resiliency of state-designated routes will be implemented through coordination with Caltrans. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is the state agency responsible for reducing hazards in the state through mitigation activities, conducting emergency planning, supporting emergency response and recovery activities, and acting as a liaison between local and federal agencies on emergency-related issues. Cal OES provides guidance on hazard mitigation planning activities, shares best practices, and distributes funding opportunities. The Committee can work with Cal OES to obtain funding to implement LHMP mitigation strategies and to receive guidance on future updates.
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
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Federal Emergency Management Agency Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the federal agency responsible for hazard mitigation, emergency preparedness, and emergency response and recovery activities. It provides guidance to state and local governments on hazard mitigation activities, including best practices and how to comply with federal requirements. FEMA also provides funding for hazard mitigation actions through grant programs. FEMA
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The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) is a public agency that supplies water to various water providers throughout the southern California region, many of whom in turn, distribute the water to more localized water suppliers. Water used in Irvine that comes from outside Orange County is supplied by MWD. Mitigation actions that involve local water supplies may be implemented through coordination with both MWDOC and MWD. The agency may also provide technical support and other resources for mitigation actions involving water use. Comprised of State Routes 73, 133, 241, and 261, the Toll Roads make up over 20 percent of Orange County’s major thoroughfare highway system and are the fastest, easiest and most predictable way to get to and around Orange County; all of these routes border or go through Irvine. This agency can play a role in mitigation by identifying hazardous conditions along their network and work with neighboring jurisdictions like Irvine to reduce or eliminate the threat to these hazards.
Metropolitan Water District of So CA
Transportation Corridor Agencies
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The Toll Roads
Private Organizations
Southern California Edison
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Southern California Edison (SCE) is the electrical service provider for Irvine. SCE also owns the electrical distribution grid in the community. Mitigation actions relating to the resiliency of Irvine’s electrical grid will be implemented through coordination with SCE. The Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) is the natural gas provider for Irvine and owns the natural gas infrastructure in the community. Mitigation actions that address the resiliency
Southern CA Edison
Southern California Gas Company
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