2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine

2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

potential mitigation action under all STAPLE/E criteria but used the criteria to guide and inform the discussion. The Committee also discussed how the criteria might be used to evaluate grant applications the City may submit to receive funding for LHMP implementation. Prioritization As part of the mitigation actions development and review, the HMPC also prioritized the actions. The prioritization efforts looked at the risks and threats from each hazard, financial costs and benefits, technical feasibility, and community values, among others. Committee members were asked to identify their priority actions through a voting exercise. Items prioritized by at least three Committee members are considered high priority, and those prioritized by one or two members are considered a medium priority. Actions not prioritized by any Committee member are considered low priority. Cost Estimates To meet the cost estimation requirements of the hazard mitigation planning process, the Committee identified relative cost estimates based on their understanding of the mitigation action intent and their experience developing identical or similar programs/implementing projects. Three cost categories based on the City’s typical cost criteria were used for budgeting purposes: • Low cost ($): $100,000 or less

• Medium cost ($$): $100,001 to $999,999 • High cost ($$$): Greater than $1,000,000

Based on the criteria and evaluation processes used during Plan development, the Committee prepared a prioritized list of mitigation actions to improve Irvine’s resilience to hazard events. Table 5-3 lists the mitigation actions as well as the prioritization of each action and other details related to implementation. In addition to mitigation action and strategies, several preparedness activities were identified and denoted with a letter “P.” 2005 Mitigation Actions Progress A review of the mitigation actions from the 2005 LHMP has identified where the City has integrated these strategies into standard procedures and practices. For those actions that were not successfully implemented, this Plan update incorporates these actions into Table 5-3 . Appendix E includes a status summary of the 2005 LHMP Mitigation Actions.


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