2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine

2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

C HAPTER 6 – P LAN M AINTENANCE For this LHMP to remain effective and useful to the community of Irvine, it must remain up to date. An updated version of the LHMP will continue to guide hazard mitigation activities in Irvine and will help keep the City eligible for state and federal hazard mitigation funding. The HMPC has structured this LHMP so individual sections can easily be updated as new information becomes available and as new needs arise, helping to keep this Plan current. This chapter discusses how to update this Plan to keep it in compliance with applicable state and federal requirements. This chapter also describes how the City can incorporate the mitigation actions described in Chapter 5 into existing programs and planning mechanisms and how public participation will remain an important part of Plan monitoring and future update activities. COORDINATING BODY The HMPC will remain responsible for maintaining and updating the Plan, including evaluating the Plan effectiveness as needed. Members of the HMPC will also coordinate the implementation of the Plan through their respective positions. Table 1-1 contains a list of current members. In future years, staff and representatives (either current Committee members or other individuals) from the following City Departments should be included in maintenance and update activities: • City Clerk • City Manager’s Office • Community Development • Community Services • Financial Management and Strategic Planning • Human Resources & Innovation • Police • Public Works • Transportation As appropriate, staff from other organizations who sat on the Committee during the preparation of this Plan should be invited to participate in plan maintenance and update activities. Other organizations that should be asked to participate in this process are:

• Irvine Ranch Water District • Irvine Unified School District • Orange County Fire Authority • Tustin Unified School District

The staff member currently serving as the HMPC leader (the person responsible for coordinating future updates), is in the Police Department. He/ she will serve as the project manager during the update process


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