City of Irvine
2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
or designate this role to another staff member. The HMPC leader or their designee will coordinate maintenance of this Plan, lead the formal Plan review and evaluation activities, direct the Plan update, and assign tasks to other members of the HMPC to complete these activities. Such tasks may include collecting data, developing new mitigation actions, updating mitigation actions, making presentations to City staff and community groups, and revising sections of the Plan. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION The effectiveness of the Plan depends on the successful implementation of the mitigation actions. This includes integrating mitigation actions into existing City plans, policies, programs, and other implementation mechanisms. The mitigation actions in this Plan are intended to reduce the damage from hazard events, help the City secure funding, and provide a framework for hazard mitigation activities. Committee members prioritized the hazard mitigation actions in Table 5-3 in Chapter 5. These priorities will guide the implementation of these actions through new or existing City mechanisms as resources are available. The LHMP project manager is responsible for overseeing the implementation, promotion, and maintenance of this Plan, as well as being responsible for facilitating meetings and other coordinating activities related to Plan implementation and maintenance. The key City Plans that should incorporate content from this LHMP include: • Irvine General Plan Safety Element – this element should incorporate relevant mapping and analysis in the Safety Element to ensure the goals and policies of this plan are reinforced throughout future developments and projects proposed within the City. • Irvine Emergency Operations Plan – The EOP focuses on the effective preparedness and response to hazard events that occur within the City. Incorporation of relevant content from this plan into the EOP ensures consistency regarding the hazards addressed in both plans. • Irvine Capital Improvements Program – The CIP identifies key infrastructure investments throughout the City that may include hazard mitigation elements. Incorporation of this plan into the CIP may assist with enhancing infrastructure investment through additional funding and/or modification of improvements to include hazard mitigation elements.
This integration of the LHMP into the Irvine General Plan also allows the City to comply with AB 2140 requirements, as identified in Chapter 1 of this plan.
PLAN MAINTENANCE PROCESS The City’s plan maintenance process will rely on the Irvine Mitigation Implementation Handbook, located in Appendix F . The handbook is intended to function as a stand-alone document that gives a concise and accessible guide to jurisdiction staff for implementing and maintaining the Plan. A key component of the handbook is the specific mechanisms that the jurisdiction can use to integrate this plan into other City planning mechanisms.
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