2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine - Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey

15. Are you familiar with the special needs of your neighbors in the event of a disaster situation (special needs may include limited mobility, severe medical conditions, memory impairments)?

a. Yes b. No 16. Are you a trained member of your Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)? a. Yes b. No, but I would like to learn more about CERT. c. No, I am not interested in being a trained CERT member. For more information about CERT, please visit: https://www.cityofirvine.org/office-emergency-management/community-emergency-response-team-cert

17. How can the City help you become better prepared for a disaster? (choose all that apply) a. Provide effective emergency notifications and communication. b. Provide training and education to residents and business owners on how to reduce future damage.

c. Provide community outreach regarding emergency preparedness. d. Create awareness of special needs and vulnerable populations. e. Other (please specify)

If you do NOT work in the City of Irvine, please skip to question 21. 18. What is the ZIP code of your workplace?

19. Does your employer have a plan for disaster recovery in place? a. Yes b. No c. I don't know 20. Does your employer have a workforce communications plan to implement following a disaster so they are able to contact you?

a. Yes b. No


Recommendations and Future Participation

21. Would you like to be contacted when the Draft 2020 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for



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