2019 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey
Q17 How can the City help you become better prepared for a disaster? (choose all that apply)
Answered: 217 Skipped: 15
Provide effective...
Provide training and...
Provide community...
Create awareness of...
Other (please specify)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
81.11% 176
Provide effective emergency notifications and communication.
59.91% 130
Provide training and education to residents and business owners on how to reduce future damage.
66.82% 145
Provide community outreach regarding emergency preparedness.
49.31% 107
Create awareness of special needs and vulnerable populations.
15.67% 34
Other (please specify)
Total Respondents: 217
37 / 65
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