2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

2019 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey





Give proper emergency lots to residents.

2/3/2020 9:55 PM


Actually I’m more concerned that this survey is drafted this way and being sent out. What’s up? What’s changed?

2/3/2020 9:17 PM


Maybe stress importance of reaching out to neighbors in the event of an emergency.

1/27/2020 9:50 AM


Continue to promote preparedness via TV, mobile, training in schools. Require emergency supplies in more settings (schools, businesses). Help groups (neighborhoods, churches, etc.) build and support preparedness teams. Plan the city accordingly with less crowded housing and adequate exit from jammed communities. When I was a City Employee we had a Disaster Prepardness seminar where we could purchase or order items that would be needed in a disaster . Please consider holding one or more for the residents. Become more mobilized and ready. Even as Irvine CERT, I don't feel ready within the CERT community or my geo area (Portola). Have plenty of backup power to keep potable water system running in the event of extended power outage.

1/24/2020 3:48 PM


1/12/2020 4:59 PM


1/11/2020 11:18 PM


1/11/2020 8:34 PM


1/11/2020 8:16 PM


Protect Irvine against invasion by LA gangs after a large-scale long-lasting disaster.

1/11/2020 2:51 PM


Provide CERT training on after-work evening hours.

1/11/2020 1:31 PM


Provide information on how to create a distaste relief/emergency kit

1/11/2020 12:56 PM


Provide law and order. Disasters always bring out the criminal element, and if the disaster is bad enough, non-criminals may become desperate. Since residents in the rental communities are not socially active and enjoy a refrained quite lifestyle it’s very challenging to build a sense of community that will act like a team, unless an actual disaster were to occur. Please provide solar/battery backup services in key areas around the community where we can go to charge cell phones, laptops, and vehicles. break the city into 6-8 block 'pods' each with a leader or team of leaders that will meet with each household to strongly encourage them to have the supplies on hand!!! Plus create 'pod' sheds/garages /structure of some kind to house items that each pod can share - batteries, water, canned or ready to eat food (rotating it annually).

12/21/2019 10:49 PM


11/27/2019 8:31 AM


11/23/2019 6:51 AM


11/19/2019 12:24 AM



11/18/2019 6:23 PM


emergency transportation for those with mobility limitations

11/15/2019 10:27 AM


One population which might be overlooked is seniors who do not appear to be vulnerable but live independently. Take toxicity in food, agriculture, & water seriously.(also cause of climate change today). Embracing, promoting organic practices. Red Cross class taken as part of CERT last just expired hoping more first aid and other training will be made available as we would love to continue and doing as part of the city of Irvine is better than on our own IMO Have a mandatory parent presentation at all public schools every year providing emergency preparedness information. My school is not interested in sponsoring an presentation despite my recommendations. The push has to come from the IPD / FEMA. Evaluate potential for additional emergency vehicle exits from Orangetree neighborhood. (Currently there is one with a locked gate from street Bright Hollow to Valley Oak Drive).

11/14/2019 3:42 PM


11/1/2019 11:24 AM


10/31/2019 4:30 PM


10/29/2019 8:19 PM


10/29/2019 6:03 PM


Build dangerous water storage elsewhere

10/29/2019 4:52 PM


Let all people in Irvine know they need to have 3 days of supplies to hold them over in any emergency. I see a lot of "Not me" attitude. Give them an example to scare them. At least the

10/29/2019 2:16 PM

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