Appendix E – 2005 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation Action Items Summary
Natural Hazard
Action Item
Coordinating Organization(s)
Timeline Ideas for Implementation (Summary)
Incorporated into 2020 LHMP Mitigation Actions The preparation of the 2020 LHMP re- initiated this group within the City.
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Items
Establish a continuing formal role for the Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee to develop a sustainable process to implement, monitor, and evaluate City natural hazard mitigation activities. This committee will be charged with implementing Objective J-2 of the Safety Element of the General Plan to "identify actions that the City, in conjunction with other jurisdictions, must take to reduce the severity of disasters." As a supporting agency, continue membership on the City of Irvine's Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee, and develop a sustainable process to implement, monitor, and evaluate IRWD mitigation activities. Develop public and private partnerships to foster Natural Hazard Mitigation program coordination
Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee
Ongoing Designate the Natural Hazard
Mitigation Steering Committee as an ongoing committee, with representatives from respective City departments and the public, to meet quarterly to monitor and evaluate mitiga on activities.
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Ongoing Continue attendance at the Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee meetings to monitor and evaluate the Plan.
This action applies to IRWD, which is not participating in the update of the 2020 LHMP.
Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee
Ongoing Identify organizations that have
The City’s Emergency Management Program actively partners and engages with public and private organizations throughout the City.
programs or interest in mitigation; involve private business in mitigation planning.
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