2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix E – 2005 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation Action Items Summary

Natural Hazard

Action Item

Coordinating Organization(s) Community Development

Timeline Ideas for Implementation (Summary)

Incorporated into 2020 LHMP Mitigation Actions This action has been incorporated into Mitigation Action 7.02 This action applies to IRWD, which is not participating in the update of the 2020 LHMP. This is a standard practice of the City and was not deemed an action necessary in this plan update. This is a standard practice of the City and was not deemed an action necessary in this plan update. This is a standard practice of the City and was not deemed an action necessary in this plan update. Mitigation Action 6.03 addresses this issue.

Review local ordinances regarding building and development in the landslide prone areas. IRWD to identify facilities located in high risk debris flow and landslide areas.

3 Years

Create a committee of appropriate staff to study the issue and make recommendations to the Director of Community Development Identify potential debris flow and landsij.de prone areas in the vicinity of facilitj.es, pipelines, and reservoirs, and develop response procedures to address the impacts. mitigation activities for repetitive flood 'areas; contact repetitive loss property owners to discuss mitigation opportunities; explore mitigation options for incentives.



1 Year


Flooding Mitigation Items

Analyze each flood event within the City and identify feasible mitigation options.

Public Works

Ongoing Identify appropriate feasible



Provide public information regarding FEMA flood hazard zones and encourage the purchase of flood insurance within potential flood zones. Condition with developers to mitigate potential hazards for new development in 100-year flood zones in the City. Inspect for surface and underground storm drainage obstructions in all City systems.

Community Development, County of Orange

Ongoing Distribute flooding information to developers; real estate professionals, and the general public.


County of Orange, Community Development

Ongoing Implement through County of Orange and City of Irvine's conditions of approval for development within flood hazard zones. Ongoing Inspect and maintain all storm drain facilities annually.


Public Works

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