Appendix E – 2005 Irvine Hazard Mitigation Plan - Mitigation Action Items Summary
Natural Hazard
Action Item
Coordinating Organization(s)
Timeline Ideas for Implementation (Summary)
Incorporated into 2020 LHMP Mitigation Actions Mitigation Action 1.13 addresses this issue.
Educate agency personnel on federal cost-share and grant programs, Fire Protection Agreements, and other related federal programs, so that the full array of assistance available to local agencies is understood. Encourage development and dissemination of maps related to the fire hazard to help educate and assist builders and homeowners in being engaged in wildfire mitigation activities and help guide emergency services during response. Inventory alternative firefighting water sources and encourage the development of additional resources. Enhance outreach and education programs aimed at mitigating wildfire hazards, and reducing or preventing the exposure of citizens, public agencies, private property owners and businesses to natural hazards.
Orange County Fire Authority
1-2 Years
Investigate potential funding opportunities for individual mitigation projects; develop, approve, and promote Fire Protection Agreement; and partnerships to clarify roles and responsibilities, and to provide for fire mitigation activities and suppression preparedness. Update wildland/urban interface maps; conduct risk analysis incorporating data and the created hazard maps using GIS technology; encourage coordination between fire jurisdictions and sanitary districts to make sure that the most accurate elevation maps are being used Advocate emergency/back-up power to electrical pump system to supply uninterrupted power to pump water to fire hydrants. education programs; establish neighborhood "drive-through" activities that pinpoint site-specific mitiga on activities; perform public outreach and information activities at fire stations by creating "Wildfire Awareness Week" activities.
Community Development (GIS)
1-3 Years
Mitigation Actions 12.08 and 12.09 addresses this issue.
Orange County Fire Authority, Planning, GIS
1 Year
Orange County Fire Authority
Ongoing Encourage hiring of fire prevention and education personnel to oversee
Mitigation actions 12.04, 12.05, 12.07, 12.08, 12.09 address this issue.
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