2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

part or all of Irvine, even if there is no loss of life. Consider updating the LHMP. Consult the section on updating the LHMP in this Handbook for details.


If the federal government declares a disaster for Irvine, or any area that includes part or all of Irvine, take the following steps:  Update Attachment 1 with information about the disaster. Include information about cumulative damage, including any damage outside of Irvine.  Collaborate with representatives from Cal OES and FEMA to assess the damage from the event.  Determine if Irvine will be eligible for public assistance funds related to the federal disaster declaration. These funds can be used to reimburse the City for response and recovery activities. If the City is eligible, work with FEMA and Cal OES representatives to enact the necessary requirements and receive funding.  If the disaster damages local infrastructure or City-owned facilities, repair or rebuild the structure to be more resilient, following applicable hazard mitigation actions. A list of actions, organized by hazards, is included as Attachment 4.  The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is a FEMA program that helps fund hazard mitigation activities after a disaster event. Irvine may be eligible for funding because of the federal disaster declaration, although not all activities may meet the program’s requirements. If Irvine is eligible, work with FEMA to apply for this funding.  Chapter 6 of the Irvine LHMP states that the City should consider updating the LHMP if a disaster leads to a state disaster proclamation or federal disaster declaration that includes part or all of Irvine, even if there is no loss of life. Consider updating the LHMP. Consult the section on updating the LHMP in this Handbook for details.


There are three potential grant funding programs that FEMA administers for hazard mitigation activities. Two of these programs, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) funding sources, are available to communities with an LHMP that complies with FEMA guidelines and has been adopted within the past five years. The third funding program is the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), which is available for communities that are part of a federal disaster declaration. This section discusses the PDM and FMA programs, and how to apply for them. The HMGP is discussed under the “Federal Government” subsection of the above “What to Do When a Disaster Has Been Proclaimed or Declared” section.


The PDM grant program is a competitive, nation-wide program that awards funding for planning activities and physical development programs that mitigate against future natural hazards. Development projects

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