2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

must be identified in a hazard mitigation plan that meets FEMA guidelines and was adopted within the past five years. When applying to this program, review the list of hazard mitigation actions in Attachment 4 to see which projects may be eligible. Planning efforts for communities that lack a valid hazard mitigation plan may be eligible for funding if the effort would create a valid hazard mitigation plan. All PDM grant applications are processed through the State. To learn more, consult with Cal OES representatives or visit the FEMA webpage on the program. At time of writing, this webpage is available at https://www.fema.gov/pre-disaster-mitigation-grant-program.

Take the following steps to apply for PDM funding:  Confirm that the program is currently accepting funding applications. Check with

representatives from Cal OES or consult the Cal OES webpage on the PDM program. At time of writing, this webpage is available at http://www.caloes.ca.gov/cal-oes-divisions/hazard- mitigation/pre-disaster-flood-mitigation.  Identify the actions from the hazard mitigation strategy (see Attachment 4) that call on the City to pursue funding or list grants as a potential funding source. Confirm that the actions are consistent with the requirements of the PDM grant.  Coordinate with Cal OES representatives to compile and submit materials for the grant application.


The FMA grant program is a competitive, national program that awards funding for physical development projects and planning efforts that mitigate against long-term damage from flooding. The funding is only available to communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which Irvine currently does. Communities must also have a valid hazard mitigation plan that meets FEMA guidelines in order to be eligible, and all projects must be consistent with the list of actions in the hazard mitigation strategy. When applying to this program, review the list of hazard mitigation actions in Attachment 4 to see which projects may be eligible. As with the PDM program, applications for the FMA program must be processed through the State. To view more information, consult with Cal OES representatives or visit the FEMA webpage on the program. At time of writing, this webpage is available at https://www.fema.gov/flood-mitigation-assistance-grant-program.

Take the following steps to apply for FMA funding:  Confirm that the program is currently accepting funding applications. Check with

representatives from Cal OES or consult the Cal OES webpage on the FMA program. At time of writing, this webpage is available at http://www.caloes.ca.gov/cal-oes-divisions/hazard- mitigation/pre-disaster-flood-mitigation.  Identify the actions from the hazard mitigation strategy (see Attachment 4) that call on the City to pursue funding or list grants as a potential funding source. Confirm that the actions are consistent with the requirements of the FMA grant.  Coordinate with Cal OES representatives to compile and submit materials for the grant application

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