2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

opportunity to review the actions in the hazard mitigation strategy (Attachment 4) and ensure that they are implemented as intended.


If Irvine is updating the LHMP, the Safety Element or Housing Element of the General Plan, or the Zoning Code, consult the following applicable section.


All LHMPs should be updated every five years. This helps keep the plan up to date and ensures that it reflects the most recent guidance, requirements, science, and best practices. An updated LHMP also helps keep Irvine eligible for hazard mitigation grants that require a valid, recent LHMP (see “I Want to Apply for Mitigation Grant Funding”), along with an increased amount of post-disaster recovery funds. The update process for the LHMP takes approximately one year. To ensure that a new LHMP comes into effect before the previous one expires, the update process should begin no later than four years after the plan is adopted. Updates may occur sooner at the City’s discretion. Potential reasons for updating the LHMP sooner may include a state disaster proclamation or federal disaster declaration that covers part or all of Irvine, or if a disaster leads to a loss of life in Irvine (see the “What to Do When a Disaster Has Been Proclaimed or Declared” section), as discussed in Chapter 6 of the LHMP.

Take the following steps to update the LHMP:

ASSEMBLE THE HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING TEAM  Convene a Planning Team meeting no later than four years after the LHMP is adopted. Invite the regular Planning Team members, along with representatives from other organizations that may have a role to play in the update process.  Review the current status of mitigation actions, including if there are any that are not being implemented as planned or are not working as expected. Determine if there have been any changes in hazard events, regulations, best practices, or other items that should be incorporated into an updated LHMP.  Decide if there is a need for a technical consultant to assist with the LHMP update, and conduct consultant selection activities if needed. If a consultant is desired, the selection process should begin a few months before the update gets underway.  Create and implement a community engagement strategy, building off of the strategy prepared for the existing LHMP. Describe in-person and online engagement strategies and materials, including ideas for meetings and workshops, draft community surveys, content for websites and press releases, and other materials that may be useful.

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