UPDATE THE RISK AND THREAT ASSESSMENTS Review and update the risk assessment to reflect the most recent conditions in Irvine. Consider recent hazard events, new science associated with hazards and climate change, new development and land use patterns, and other recent changes on local conditions. Evaluate the status of all key facilities. Update this list if new facilities have been constructed, or if existing facilities have been decommissioned. Re-assess the threat to key facilities. Review the demographics of community residents, and update the threat assessment for vulnerable populations and other community members. Assess any changes to the threat to all other community assets, including key services, other facilities, and economic drivers. UPDATE THE MITIGATION ACTIONS Update the existing hazard mitigation actions to reflect actions in progress. Remove actions that have been completed, or revise them to increase their effectiveness. Revise actions that have been abandoned or delayed so as to make them more feasible, or remove them from the list of mitigation actions if they are no longer appropriate for Irvine. Develop mitigation actions to improve the status of hazard mitigation activities in Irvine by addressing any issues not covered by the existing LHMP. Ensure that the feedback from the community engagement activities are reflected in the new and updated mitigation actions. REVIEW AND ADOPT THE UPDATED PLAN Review the other chapters and appendices of the LHMP to reflect any changes made through the update process. Release the updated Plan to Planning Team members, and revise the Plan to reflect any comments by Planning Team members. Distribute the updated Plan to any appropriate external agencies not included in the Planning Team, and revise the plan as appropriate in response to any comments. Release the updated Plan publicly for review, and make revisions to the Plan to reflect public comments. Submit the plan to Cal OES and FEMA for approval, and make any revisions as needed. Submit the plan to the Irvine City Council for adoption.
The Safety Element is a required component of Irvine’s General Plan. It can be updated as a stand-alone activity, or as part of a more comprehensive process to update multiple sections or all of the General Plan. The Safety Element does not need to be updated on any set schedule, but updates should be frequent enough for the element to remain current and applicable to the community.
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