ATTACHMENT 3: SAMPLE AGENDA AND TOPICS FOR THE HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING TEAM This attachment includes a sample agenda and discussion topics for the annual meeting of the Planning Team. Meetings do not have to follow this order or structure, but the items included in this attachment should be addressed as part of the annual meeting. During the update process for the LHMP, it is likely that the Planning Team will meet more frequently. The meetings of the Planning Team during the update process will involve different discussion topics.
Item 1: Recent hazard events
1.1. What hazard events have occurred this past year in Irvine, or nearby in a way that affected the community? ▪ Identify events that caused loss of life or significant injury to Irvine community members, significant property damage in Irvine, or widespread disruption to Irvine. ▪ More minor events should also be identified if there is a need for a community response to mitigate against future such events.
1.2. What are the basic facts and details behind any such hazard events?
▪ Consider the size and location of the affected area, any measurements of severity, any injuries and deaths, the cost of any damage, the number of people displaced or otherwise impacted, and other relevant summary information. ▪ Ensure that these facts and details are clearly recorded for future Plan updates, including through use of the Disaster Information Table (Attachment 1).
Items 2: Mitigation action activities
2.1. What mitigation actions have been fully implemented? Are they working as expected, or do they need to be revised? 2.2. What mitigation actions have started to be implemented since the Planning Team last met? Is implementation of these actions proceeding as expected, or are there any barriers or delays? If there are barriers or delays, how can they be removed? 2.3. What mitigation actions are scheduled to begin implementation in the next year? Are there any factors that could delay implementation, or weaken the effectiveness of the actions? How can these factors be addressed? 2.4. What resources are needed to support planned, in-process, or ongoing mitigation actions? Does the City have access to these resources? If not, how can the City obtain access to these resources?
Item 3: Information sharing
3.1. Is the City communicating with all appropriate local jurisdictions, including neighboring communities, Orange County, and special districts? This should include information on district-specific hazard situations, mitigation actions, and other relevant information.
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