3.2. Is the City communicating with the appropriate state and federal agencies? Is the City receiving information about new regulations, best practices, and data that relates to hazard mitigation activities? 3.3. Are there opportunities for the City to improve coordination with local, state, and federal jurisdictions and agencies?
Item 4: Budgetary planning
4.1. What are the financial needs for Irvine to support implementation of planned and in-process mitigation actions, including ongoing items? Is there sufficient funding for all measures in the LHMP that are planned for the next year, including in-process and ongoing items? If sufficient funding is not available, how can the City obtain these funds? 4.2. If it is not feasible for the City to support all planned, in-process, or ongoing mitigation actions, which ones should be prioritized? 4.3. Are there hazard-related activities not included in the LHMP that should be budget for? Can the City obtain the necessary funding for these activities?
Item 5: Strategic planning
5.1. Which grants are available for hazard mitigation activities, and which activities are best positioned to secure funding? 5.2. How should the agencies and other organizations represented on the Planning Team coordinate to maximize the chances of receiving funding? 5.3. Are there any scheduled or anticipated updates to other City documents that could relate to hazard mitigation activities? How can the Planning Team share information with staff and any technical consultants responsible for these updates, and ensure that the updates will enhance community resiliency? 5.4. What capital projects are scheduled or anticipated? Are these capital projects being designed and built to be resistant to hazard events? Are there opportunities for these projects to support hazard mitigation activities? 5.5. How can Planning Team members coordinate efforts with those responsible for capital projects to take advantage of economies of scale that will make hazard mitigation activities easier to implement? 5.6. Has it been four years since the adoption of the LHMP? If so, lay out a timeline for Plan update activities, including additional meetings of the Planning Team. Identify if a technical consultant is needed and begin the contracting process if so. 5.7. Are there any other opportunities for Planning Team members and the organizations they represent to coordinate efforts?
Items 6: New business
6.1. Are there any other items related to the Planning Team’s mission?
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