2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine

2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

This LHMP is consistent with current standards and regulations, as outlined by the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and FEMA. It uses the best available science, and its mitigation actions/strategies reflect best practices and community values. It meets the requirements of current state and federal guidelines and makes the City eligible for all appropriate benefits under state and federal law and practices. Note that while FEMA is responsible for reviewing and certifying this LHMP, and Cal OES is responsible for conducting a preliminary review, it does not grant FEMA or Cal OES any increased role in the governance of the City or authorize either agency to take any specific action in the community.


The Irvine LHMP is both a reference document and an action plan. It has information and resources to educate readers and decision-makers about hazard events and related issues, and a comprehensive strategy that the City and community members can follow up to improve resilience in the City. It is divided into the following chapters: • Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter describes the background of the Plan, its goals and objectives, and the process used in its development. • Chapter 2: Community Profile. This chapter discusses the history of Irvine, its physical setting and land uses, its demographics, and other important community characteristics. • Chapter 3: Hazard Assessment. This chapter identifies and describes the hazards that pose a threat to Irvine and discusses past and future events as well as the effects of climate change. • Chapter 4: Vulnerability Assessment. This chapter describes the threat of each hazard on Irvine’s key facilities and community members, including socially vulnerable individuals. • Chapter 5: Mitigation Strategy. This chapter lists the mitigation actions to reduce Irvine’s vulnerability to hazard events, as well as provides an overview of the community’s existing capabilities to improve hazard resilience. • Chapter 6: Plan Maintenance. This chapter summarizes the process for implementing, monitoring, and updating the LHMP, as well as opportunities for continued public involvement. FEMA’s Local Mitigation Planning Handbook, last updated in 2013, is one of the key guidance documents for local communities in preparing hazard mitigation plans.


On October 26, 2004, the Irvine City Council took action to approve the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan and transmit the plan to Cal OES and FEMA for review and approval. At this time, the plan was considered a Multi-Jurisdictional Plan that included Irvine Ranch Water District as well as the City. On April 27, 2005, the City received FEMA approval for the plan, allowing the City and Irvine Ranch Water District to become eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation grant funding sources. On April 28, 2010 this plan expired.


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