2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

City of Irvine

2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

These goals reflect a change in the community’s priorities given the amount of development that has occurred in the past 20 years and anticipated new development in areas of the City experiencing growth and change.


State and federal guidance for LHMPs do not require that jurisdictions follow a standardized planning process. FEMA encourages communities to create their own planning process that reflects local values, goals, and characteristics. FEMA does suggest a general planning process the follows these general milestones:

Identify the planning and the resources it contains

Build the planning team

Create an outreach team

Identify the risks and threats to the community

Review the community's capabilities

Develop a hazard mitigation strategy

Implement the plan to create a safe and resilient community

Review and adopt the plan

Keep the plan current

For the City of Irvine, the planning process used to create this plan is described below:

Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee

The City established a Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee). The Committee is made up of representatives from key City departments as well as stakeholder members that include representatives from local and regional agencies, and companies that are key to hazard mitigation activities. Table 1-1 identifies the members that were invited and/or attended Committee meetings. Key stakeholders that attended these meetings included, Irvine Ranch Water District, Irvine Unified School District, and Orange County Fire Authority. Emergency managers from surrounding cities were also invited but did not attend these meetings.


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