Sentry School Internship Expo Program Spring 2024


MAJOR Marketing HOMETOWN Kewaskum, Wis. ORGANIZATION Wonderful Water Run Stevens Point, Wis. TITLE Marketing Intern

What I did: • Work under the supervision of the marketing team and BOD. • Develop template sponsorship requests, including electronic and print; in-kind and monetary. • See out and find opportunities for grants. • Develop template press releases for three different times of year (opening of registration, two months pre-event, post-event). • Develop and communicate reports and results on impact of various marketing strategies (print, social, email) to the BOD. • Develop a 2024 budget for marketing with benchmark returns/impact/ reach based on internal goals set by the BOD & marketing team. • Develop an annual WWR financial report for internal and external audiences in cooperation with the executive committee. • Research, implement and train individuals in accounting/bookkeeping software. What I liked: I really enjoyed working with everyone as they were so nice and being able to see my work come to life.

Future Dream Job: Being a full time entrepreneur for my business.



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