Never Too Late - May 2023

Publication of Pima Council on Aging, Helping Pima County Age Well Since 1967

Never Too Late Para información en Español ver páginas 20 – 21

May 2023 What’s News • Aging in Our Community • Dementia Capable SoAZ • Medicare & SMP Updates • Rights & Benefits • Caregiving • Healthy Living: Classes Happening Now! • Healthy Minds for Life • PCOA Puzzle • Ending Life Well • Neighbors Care Alliance • Visibility Matters • Advocacy • Senior Companion Program • CareGiver Training Institute • PimaCare at Home

Older Americans Month


Independence. Vitality. Respect.

Inside • Aging in Our Community 3 • Dementia Capable Southern Arizona 4 - 5 • Medicare & SMP 6 - 7 • Rights & Benefits 8 - 9 • Caregiving 10 - 12 • Community Lunch Program 13 • Healthy Living 14 - 16 & 22 • Healthy Minds for Life 17 • PCOA Puzzle 18 - 19 • Nunca Es Demasiado Tarde 20 - 21

• Ending Life Well 23 • Visibility Matters 24 • Advocacy 25

• Senior Companion Program 26 • Neighbors Care Alliance 27 - 28 • Philanthropy: FreeWill 29 • Wisdom Circles 29 • Featured Artist 30 • CareGiver Training Institute, Healthcare Education by PCOA 31 • PimaCare at Home, In-Home Care by PCOA 32

PCOA Helpline: (520) 790-7262 Administration: (520) 790-0504 Donate: E-mail: Website: Mail: 8467 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85710 Never Too Late is published by Pima Council on Aging, the Area Agency on Aging, Region II. Material from Never Too Late may be reprinted when permission is given and attribution is used along with ©PCOA 2023. Editor Adina Wingate, (520) 790-7573 ext. 5067 Editorial Assistant Jan Baker, (520) 790-7573 ext. 5076 Advertising Adina Wingate, (520) 790-7573 ext. 5067 Design Consultant Lori Lieber, Lori Lieber Graphic Design

On the Cover: Detail from Gull Rock at Sunset, plein air watercolor by Ann Dunlap, The Drawing Studio. (Story, full image on inside back cover)

Help from PCOA During the Pandemic

While Pima County’s COVID-19 rates are lowering, PCOA is still encouraging the public to access our services via phone or email whenever possible to ensure the safety of our community. Please remember that although masking in PCOA facilities continues to be an option, the following guidelines are still in effect: All staff are expected to offer to wear masks and wear them when requested. PCOA will continue to supply surgical masks and KN95s to staff, volunteers, and members of the public entering our facilities as requested. • Our 8467 E. Broadway Blvd. building is open for those requiring in-person assistance. • Our 600 S. Country Club Rd. building is open for those requiring in-person assistance. We encourage you to call and make an appointment to ensure the right staff are available to assist you. The best way to access our services, including making an appointment for in–person assistance, is by calling our Helpline between 8:30 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday at (520) 790-7262 or emailing

Editorial and Advertising Deadline for Next Issue MAY 1 2023

Please include a contact person name and phone number with all submitted material. All articles are subject to editing in accordance with technical and policy guidelines but will not be altered in content without permission of the author. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed. Ads are not to be considered as PCOA endorsements of products, services, or individuals.




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Page 2 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Aging in Our Community

A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

Last month I was visited by a dear friend from my teenage years, Alan, my youth pastor at the church I grew up in Phoenix. He and I had stayed in touch over the years. His wife had recently passed, and Alan told me he would like to come to visit for a week. We had a lot to catch up on, and as he put it, my wife Stacy was a saint to put up with all of our “church talk” from the years long past. We also spent a lot of time talking about the past few years and current events. Alan has always been a wise observer of society and both pragmatic and deeply philosophical. Reflecting on the times we find ourselves in during these post (sort of) pandemic days, he said something that really stuck with me. He observed that “COVID had broken everything.” I started to equivocate about whether it was “everything” or maybe just “nearly everything.” But that wasn’t really the point. His point, more importantly, was in what he said next, which was that it is up to all of us to decide how we will put things back together. Early in the pandemic, it was popular to compare this pandemic to previous ones, most commonly the Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1920 – the one which killed one of my great-grandfathers. I imagine you may recall some of those discussions. The general wisdom was that the world (or our American slice of it) changed forever in so many ways, some for the better and some less so. It seems many of us believe we simply need to roll the clock back to February 2020, and things will all be better, but as I have been talking with folks about this observation, most know that isn’t realistic.

Time marches forward, not back. And a big part of the breaking that has occurred has been the exposure of many of our society’s deepest ills. At PCOA we are seeing this in several ways. We see it in the calls we receive from older single women, often (but not always) widows, who have been barely eking by on meager Social Security benefits and low-rent apartments. Most often, when we hear from them, their landlord, who is often some new out-of- state corporate real estate owner, has given them an eviction notice because they’ve decided they can now make more money by raising the rent out of reach or because that widow used too much gas to heat their small apartment last month and has been unable to pay the bill. And in the “post-pandemic” market, the rent and utilities for a new place often far exceed their income. What are they to do? And we are hearing about it from people who are getting COVID (yes, people still do) and developing very serious illnesses and not bouncing back. Often, they live alone. They need longer-term support from others, either at home or in a facility, but the cost of that care is increasing at a rate that outstrips their income, if the support can even be found at all. Whose responsibility is this? The stories continue to come to us at higher and higher rates, and I know my colleagues are weighed down by the magnitude of the stories. But how do we put things back together? How do we fix the brokenness? I wish I knew. Fundamental, long-term responses are required, but we often long for quick fixes as a society. They elude me.

I usually look for a more extensive public policy fix. Longer term. And indeed, we need those. But I’ve also learned something from my wonderful colleagues: it is about taking the time to show up, answer the phone, and listen to those callers. Maybe we will be able to offer some suggestions. But first and most important is that we are present and that we listen. Back at the beginning of the pandemic, during those very isolated times, I was often asked what people should do. My answer was that we should all be neighborly. Checking on our neighbors, offering a hand or a shoulder, or maybe a casserole. Be kind. And perhaps that is still a good place to start. Back in the summer and fall of 2020, I was never closer to my neighbors than I was then. And as we revisit that neighborliness, we can get more creative about the big policy fixes. Those fixes are going to require more changes and probably sacrifices from all of us. Hopefully, it will be easier to make them when we realize that we are making them for our neighbors.

W.Mark Clark President & CEO

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

Dementia Capable Southern Arizo na

How does this fit into the framework of dementia? For those currently living with dementia, staying socially engaged has been shown to boost self-esteem, which often leads to better eating habits, increased exercise, and better sleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia.” Older adults are at an increased risk for loneliness and social isolation because they are more likely to be living alone, experiencing the loss of family or friends, having chronic health issues and hearing loss. How to combat social isolation and get engaged? May is Older Americans Month and this year’s theme is “Aging Unbound” which provides an opportunity to explore diverse aging experiences and how we all benefit when older adults remain engaged, independent, and included.

In partnership with Senior Pride 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month 10–11am May 10 & 24 600 S. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716 Point of contact – Nicole Thomas at 520.790.7573 x1739 or nthomas@ To register , visit https://cafeatthekatie.

• Volunteer • Attend a Memory Café • Join a local book club • Connect with family, friends, neighbors (in person or virtually)

• Stay physically active, consider group fitness or joining a walking group • Play games such as Bingo, chess or checkers

Additionally, engaging in mentally stimulating activities is linked to a reduction in the risk of developing dementia but can also be part of non-pharmacological treatment options for those living with dementia. Older adults who take part in activities such as reading, puzzles, and games for at least six hours a week have a reduced incidence of dementia. Those in early stages of dementia who participated frequently in mentally stimulating activities also had a slower progression of cognitive decline. Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions ( Older Americans Month 2023 | ACL Administration for Community Living older-americans-month-2023

In partnership with Posada Life Community Services 3rd Saturday of each month 1–2pm May 20 Posada Life Community Center 780 S. Park Centre Ave. Green Valley, AZ 85614 Point of contact – Ellen March at 520.393.6840 or

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Pima Council on Aging

Dementia Capable Southern Arizo na


Memory Care Support Series

This 6-week series is designed for caregivers who are caring for a loved one with memory loss. We will walk through many aspects of this journey with you, from learning the basics of memory loss and dementia, to end of life care planning. We will help you understand the changes that are occurring with your loved one without forgetting about your own self-care!

2023 Series Details


600 S. Country Club Rd.

Time: 10 – 11:30am

May 1 May 8

Caregiving Assists: Clever & Practical Tips and Tools Transitions & Life Changes: Supports for the Journey

Class size is limited Register through Eventbrite at: For more information or to register, contact Nicole Thomas at (520) 790-7573 x1739 or

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 5

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner

Pima Council on Aging 2023 Medicare Presentations  Understand the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage  Learn about Medigap and Prescription Drug Plans  Questions to ask before you enroll.  How and when to enroll.  Learn about Medicare Savings Programs which may help with paying Part B premium and/or Part D drug costs for those who qualify.  How to find plans that offer the lowest costs for prescriptions you take. Pick up Medicare Advantage plan comparison spreadsheets for Pima County Medicare beneficiaries.

In-Person Location

Wednesday 12 – 3pm Day/Time


Virtual (Zoom)

PCOA The Katie 600 S. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716 Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Library 7800 N. Schisler Dr. Tucson, AZ 85743 Murphy-Wilmot Library 530 N. Wilmot Dr. Tucson, AZ 85711

May 10

Virtual (Zoom)

In-Person Only

May 17

Wednesday 10am – 1pm

In-Person Only

May 24

Wednesday 2 – 5pm

For additional presentation dates, go to or call PCOA SHIP at (520) 546-2011

This project was supported in part by grant number 90MPPG0022, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy

Page 6 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Medicare Corner

Know what to do if your doctor doesn’t think your care will be covered If you have Original Medicare and your provider believes, based on Medicare’s coverage rules, that Medicare will not pay for an item or service, they may ask you to sign an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) before you receive that service. • The ABN allows you to decide whether to get the care in question and to accept financial responsibility for the service if Medicare denies payment. • The notice must list the specific reason why the provider believes Medicare may deny payment. • Providers are not required to give you an ABN for services or items that are never covered by Medicare, such as hearing aids. • Note that your providers are not permitted to give you an ABN all the time or have a blanket ABN policy where they provide an ABN for all services. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan , you or your provider should contact your plan to request a formal determination about whether an item or service will be covered. • If the plan denies coverage before you receive the service, you should get a Notice of Denial of Medical Coverage within 14 days of requesting the determination (or within 72 hours if you request an expedited appeal and your plan approves your request). Follow the instructions on this notice to appeal your plan’s decision not to cover your service or item. • Ask your doctor to submit evidence to the plan that you meet the coverage criteria for the item or service and that it is medically necessary. • If you need assistance filing an appeal, contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for information and counseling about the appeals process. If you do not know how to contact your SHIP, call 877-839-2675 or visit . PCOA is your local SHIP, call us a (520) 546-2011 for further assistance.

Speaking to Your Doctor It is important to work with your doctor to get the best health care possible. Below are tips for building an effective relationship with your doctor and making the most of your visits. Communicate well. Be prepared. Arrive at your doctor’s office prepared with your health insurance cards, a copy of your health history if you’re a new patient, and a list of questions you want to ask your doctor. Bring something for taking notes. Also consider bringing another person, like a family member, friend, or caregiver, if you think they can help. Share information. Tell your doctor about your symptoms or any trouble you are having with activities or daily living. Tell them about other providers you have seen and any treatments they recommend. Ask questions. If you do not understand something your doctor says, ask them to explain it. Get it in writing. Ask your doctor to write down what you should do between now and your next visit, including instructions for how to take medicines, specialists you should see, or lifestyle modifications. Follow up. If you experience any problems after your appointment, call your doctor’s office to schedule a follow-up. Ask your doctor’s office if they use e-mail or an online portal to communicate with patients. Seek a second and third opinion, if needed. A second opinion is when you ask a doctor other than your regular doctor for their view on your symptoms, injury, or illness to better help you make an informed decision about treatments. • Original Medicare covers second opinions if your doctor recommends you have a surgery or major diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. Medicare does not cover second opinions for excluded services, like cosmetic surgery. Original Medicare will cover a third opinion if the first and second opinions are different from each other. • Medicare Advantage Plans may have different costs and coverage rules for second and third opinions. Contact your plan for more information

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 7

Pima Council on Aging

Rights & Benefits Information

What Are Social Security-Related Scams?

Criminals continue to impersonate SSA and other government agencies in an attempt to obtain personal information or money. Scammers might call, email, text, write, or message you on social media claiming to be from the Social Security Administration or the Office of the Inspector General. They might use the name of a person who really works there and might send a picture or attachment as “proof.” Four Basic Signs of a Scam Recognizing the signs of a scam gives you the power to ignore criminals and report the scam. Scams come in many varieties, but they all work the same way: 1. Scammers pretend to be from an agency or organization you know to gain your trust. 2. Scammers say there is a problem or a prize. 3. Scammers pressure you to act immediately. 4. Scammers tell you to pay in a specific way. Known Tactics Scammers Use Scammers frequently change their approach with new tactics and messages to trick people. We encourage you to stay up to date on the latest news and advisories by following SSA OIG on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook or subscribing to receive email alerts. These are red flags; you can trust that Social Security will never • Threaten you with arrest or legal action because you don’t agree to pay money

immediately. • Suspend your Social Security number. • Claim to need personal information or payment to activate a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) or other benefit increase. • Pressure you to take immediate action, including sharing personal information. • Ask you to pay with gift cards, prepaid debit cards, wire transfers, cryptocurrency, or by mailing cash. • Threaten to seize your bank account. • Offer to move your money to a “protected” bank account. • Demand secrecy. • Direct message you on social media. Be skeptical and look for red flags. If you receive a suspicious call, text message, email, letter, or message on social media, the caller or sender may not be who they say they are. Scammers have also been known to: • Use legitimate names of Office of Inspector General or Social Security Administration employees. • “Spoof” official government phone numbers, or even numbers for local police departments. • Send official-looking documents by U.S. mail or attachments through email, text, or social media message. It is illegal to reproduce federal employee credentials and federal law enforcement badges. Federal law enforcement will never send photographs of credentials or badges to demand any kind of payment, and neither will federal government employees.

Report the scam. How to Avoid a Scam

Protect yourself, friends, and family — If you receive a suspicious call, text, email, social media message, or letter from someone claiming to be from Social Security: 1. Remain calm . If you receive a communication that causes a strong emotional response, take a deep breath. Talk to someone you trust. 2. Hang up or ignore the message. Do not click on links or attachments. 3. Protect your money. Scammers will insist that you pay with a gift card, prepaid debit card, cryptocurrency, wire transfer, money transfer, or by mailing cash. Scammers use these forms of payment because they are hard to trace. 4. Protect your personal information. Be cautious of any contact claiming to be from a government agency or law enforcement telling you about a problem you don’t recognize, even if the caller has some of your personal information. 5. Spread the word to protect your community from scammers. 6. Report the scam to the Office of the Inspector General at report. How to Report When you report a scam, you are providing us with powerful data that we use to inform others, identify trends, refine

(continued on next page)

Page 8 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Rights & Benefits Information ALTCS Workshop

What Are Social Security-Related Scams?

Learn about the Arizona Long Term Care System, including what it is, what it takes to be eligible for the program, and what kinds of services are available once a person becomes eligible. A great place to start when you are considering ALTCS for yourself, or for a loved one.

(continued from previous page)

strategies, and take legal action against the criminals behind these scam activities. Report a scam What to Do if You Were Scammed Recovering from a scam can be a long and difficult process. Here are some reminders: • Do not blame yourself. Criminal behavior is not your fault. • Stop contact with the scammer. Do not talk to them or respond to their messages. • Notify the three major credit bureaus: Equifax (https://www., Experian (, and TransUnion ( add a fraud alert to your credit report. The Federal Trade Commission’s “What To Do if You Were Scammed” ( were-scammed) article has information about what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer or gave a scammer your personal information or access to your computer or phone. Help Us “Slam the Scam”! Please visit our Resources page ( resources.html) for more information on how you can help us “Slam the Scam”.

Please join the ALTCS Presentation on Zoom from your computer, tablet, or phone. Topic: ALTCS Workshop Time: May 11, 2:30 p.m. MST

To register , go to:, or call Donna DeLeon at 520.305.3450. Participants who would prefer in-person are invited to register for our June training held on Thursday, June 8, 2023. The ALTCS workshop is held every month on the Second Thursday. Visit our website for more information:

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 9

Pima Council on Aging


Free training for informal, nonpaid family caregivers Caregiving Essentials: First Steps Training Schedule 2023

Thur., Sept. 28 Wed., Oct. 18 Fri., Nov. 17

Tue., May 16 Tue., June 20 Fri., July 14 Tue., Aug. 15

600 S. Country Club Rd., Tucson If staying for both, bring your own lunch. Coffee and water available.

Workshop 1: Steps to Resilience (9 am – 12:30pm)

Workshop 2: Physical Care and Safety (1 – 3:30pm)

• Stress Management & Grief • Communication • Dementia Behaviors & Issues • Finances & Legal Resources • Lifelines for Support: Respite & Support Groups • Nutrition Support • Phone and Technology Use • Grief & End of Life Resources

• Activity Planning, Outings and Car Etiquette • Infection control and providing Personal Care

• Proper Body Mechanics • Home Environment Safety & Fall Prevention • Planning for an Emergency • Understanding Assistive Devices • Proper Walking /Transferring techniques • Re-positioning with reassessment

Register on Eventbrite: or call Pima Council on Aging, (520) 790-7573 ext. 1750;

*Classes are subject to change due to health precautions. See page 19 for details. For questions, call Kelley Hansen (520) 790-7573 ext. 3413; For possible respite during training, call Arizona Caregiver Coalition (888) 737-7494 or our Helpline (520) 790-7262. This training does not provide certification or CEU’s for employment.

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Pima Council on Aging


PCOA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS – MAY Five are currently held by Zoom and six are held in person

Participation in the groups can be in person (6 groups), by telephone or by computer/tablet/smartphone w/ video. Support groups are a way to connect with others who are walking the journey of caregiving like you are. You get to SEE (if you use the video option) that you are not alone. You get to hear other’s challenges and successes, learn about helpful resources, know that your story matters and that you have been heard. Support groups are facilitated by a professional and are a safe place for you to express your concerns, frustrations, etc. and learn that others feel this way too. 5/15, 3rd Monday, 1–2:30pm (Midtown) In Person 5/16, 3rd Tuesday , 9–10:30am Virtual ON ZOOM 5/18 3rd Thursday, 1:30–3pm Virtual ON ZOOM 5/22, 4th Monday, 11am–12:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 5/23, 4th Tuesday , 9–10:30am (Southwest) In Person

To protect the confidentiality of the group sessions, access information will only be given to registered participants. Emails are sent out on Fridays with updated schedules and additional information. If you participated in the groups before COVID, and have not been receiving the emails, please check your junk or spam folder. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact: Tonetta Clay, Support Group Facilitator (520) 305-3405,


“Step aside to a brand new day. In the month of May, I feel I can start again. Life is feeling new. This is hope. This is love. This is where we all won. If you call, I will hear. I will listen for you.” — Mychal Simka

5/1, 1st Monday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person 5/2, 1st Tuesday , 12–1:30pm (Oro Valley) In Person 5/4, 1st Thursday, 1–2:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 5/8, 2nd Monday , 1–2:30pm (Green Valley) In Person 5/9, 2nd Tuesday, 5:30–7pm Virtual ON ZOOM 5/11, 2nd Thursday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person

*NOTE: There will be no meetings on days where holidays are observed PLEASE RSVP for all groups. At all in person meetings we continue to social distance and mask wearing is optional. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact: Tonetta Clay, Support Group Facilitator (520) 305-3405,

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 11

Pima Council on Aging


By Ann Gile , Aging and Caregiving Support Specialist Aging Unbound

Caregivers across America are making an extraordinary difference in how people age in place and live out their “Golden Years.” May 2023, Older Americans Month (OAM) has chosen the theme, Aging Unbound. Unbound, what does this mean? It is to “not be fastened” or “not be confined.” Other synonyms include footloose, free, and unrestrained. During the aging process, some might not think of being footloose and free, but rather being weighed down with the thoughts of all that they cannot do. Some may have significant illnesses and physical challenges that make living independently more difficult. As Aging and Caregiving Specialists, our efforts are devoted to helping older adults live as healthy and as safely as possible. There are many things we can do as Caregivers to help those we care for in living a more independent and healthy “unbounding” aging life! Take care of your physical health • Walking at least 8000 steps per day compared to 4000 resulted in a 51% lower risk of death from all causes for adults 40 and older. You can increase the number of steps you take daily by keeping your body moving, such as walking the dog, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and gardening along with a lot of other simple tasks at home. Increasing your physical activity will have an impact on your weight which will protect against

care for by setting up a good routine which includes getting to bed at a reasonable time, limiting “screen time” and creating a restful environment. Take care of your mental health • Mental health is directly related to physical wellbeing. If you are stressed, depressed, or isolated, your ability to do all the above will be compromised and then lead to poor health. As we age, we often become more socially isolated which leads to loneliness. As Caregivers, we can make an impact by helping those we care for by planning social activities with friends and family as much as possible. Living a life that is footloose, free, and unrestrained is not something we all of a sudden start doing! It is something that must be continued, maintained, and nurtured as we age. We can and should plan on modifications along the way. This Aging Unbound is not a race but rather a marathon that will take our entire lifetime to achieve!

several debilitating diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. As Caregivers, we can assist the ones we care for by assisting them in moving and walking alongside them. • Seeing your Primary Care Provider on a regular basis for health screenings is essential to living an unbounding aging life. Make smart food choices • Watching what you eat makes a bigger difference than you may realize. Drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of vegetables, fruit, lean protein, and whole grains will help you live a longer and healthier life. As Caregivers, we need to assist those we care for by helping them plan and prepare meals that are smart and nutritious. Get a good night’s sleep • Getting a good night’s sleep is important for all of us, regardless of our age, and has an impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. As Caregivers, we can assist those we

Page 12 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Community Lunch Program

Do You Know... • Someone who could benefit from a lunch program that also provides an opportunity to make new friends. Let’s face it, eating alone, at home, is no fun? • These programs are typically open from Monday – Friday (except as noted and holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 1pm? • There are fun activities available during these hours. Depending on the site, activities include games, movies, crafts and even field trips? • A transportation subsidy may be available to get someone to these lunch programs. Transportation is provided via Sun Van to individuals with disabilities with a current ADA Eligibility Card issued by the City of Tucson? • That these lunch programs are open to all individuals 60 and older and their spouse regardless of age? Once you register at a meal site, you will be required to reserve your meals each week. That way, we know you’re coming and your lunch is waiting for you. A suggested donation of $2–$3 is requested. Community Center Lunches are a program of the Pima Council on Aging in collaboration with sub-contracted agencies: Catholic Community Services, and the City of Tucson Parks & Recreation Department. Have Lunch and Make a Friend

Check it out here: meals-nutrition.html/ Click on “View Monthly Menu” This Month’s Menu


Ajo Community

290 W. Fifth St., Ajo 85321

(520) 387-5040 (520) 791-4353 (520) 791-4070 (520) 889-0928 (520) 837-8210 (520) 887-9786 (520) 791-4969 (520) 791-3247 (520) 791-2509 (520) 485-7413 (520) 791-5787

Archer Neighborhood Armory Park Senior *

1665 S. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson 85713 220 S. 5th Ave., Tucson 85701 101 W. Irvington Rd., Tucson 85714 1390 W. Speedway Blvd., Tucson 85705 1660 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson 85705

El Pueblo Neighborhood Center El Rio Neighborhood Center

Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells Community Center **

Freedom Recreation Center

5000 E. 29th St., Tucson 85711 2160 N. 6th Ave., Tucson 85705

Donna Liggins Center

780 S. Park Centre Ave., Green Valley 85614 (520) 393-6814

Posada Life Community Center Quincie Douglas Senior Center

1575 E. 36th St., Tucson 85713

Saguaro Christian Church William Clements Center

8302 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson 85710 8155 E. Poinciana Dr., Tucson 85730

Please call in advance to reserve a meal and for days and hours of operation. Funded by: Federal Older Americans Act through AZ DES/DAAS, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, City of Tucson, and Individual Contributions * Dinner meal only ** Open Mon., Wed., Fri.

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 13

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living

Healthy Living Workshops We offer six-week self-management workshops for those with ongoing health conditions, type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, as well as chronic pain. If you’re interested in any of these workshops, please call our Healthy Living Department at (520) 305-3410 to add your name and contact information to our workshop interest lists.

Practice with purpose Are you looking for ways to live and age well?



Our current schedule for EnhanceFitness® classes (1 hour class) is: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays • Randolph Recreation Center, 200 S. Alvernon Way, Bldg. 1 , 9–10 am • El Rio Center, 1390 W. Speedway Blvd. , 11am–12 pm • Clements Regional Ctr., Fitness Center , 8155 E. Poinciana Dr. , 8:30–9:30 am • Udall Park, Carol West Senior Center, 7222 E. Tanque Verde Rd. , 11 am–12 pm • The Katie , 600 S. Country Club, and Remote , 10:30–11:30 Pre-registration is required through Eventbrite (located on the PCOA homepage), . Class size is limited. For assistance, call us at (520) 305-3410. • Tucson Estates (TENHN), 5900 W. Western Way Circle , 10:30–11:30 am Mondays – Recreation Hall, Wednesdays & Fridays Multi-Purpose Hall Contribution: $36 per person/per month

A Matter of Balance®

Healthy Living with Chronic Pain®

The Healthy Living suite of classes covers things like the cause of falls and how to prevent them, strategies to bolster physical fitness and balance, as well as other ways to empower older adults to keep themselves safe and healthy.

Picture Rocks Community Center** 5615 N. Sanders Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri., 11:45 am–12:45 pm Drexel Heights Community Center** 5220 S. San Joaquin Ave. Mon., Wed., Fri., 12–1 pm Ellie Towne/Flowing Wells** Community Center, 1660 W. Ruthrauff Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30–10:30 am

Register Now! Search for Senior Fitness , at https://anc.apm.activecommunities. com/nrpr/home?onlineSiteId=0&from_ original_cui=true. Choose the center of your choice from the list and go their class listing, look for EnhanceFitness to register. **Classes are scheduled

(520) 305-3410 Small steps. Positive changes. Healthier living.

Page 14 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

Looking for Volun

Healthy Living

A Matter of Balance® offered in person

Cornerstone Fellowship 2902 N. Geronimo Ave. May 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25 Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm

Tucson Estates 5900 W. Western Way Circle Sept. 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 Tuesdays & Fridays 1 – 3 pm

Contribution: $30.00 (covers your book and supplies)

Looking for Volunteer Coaches! AMatter of Chances are you know someone who h A Matter of Balance is a proven program concerns about falls and increase physi Adult Falls Coalition is looking for vo program. Free training provided.

A Matter of Balance® is a a workshop designed to reduce the fear of falling and help participants learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity and make changes to reduce fall risks at home. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for 10-15 participants and is led by trained coaches.

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 15 This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. Classes are free and held twice a week for 4 weeks for 2 hours each. Participants learn to: · view falls as controllable · set goals for increasing activity · make changes to reduce fall risks at home · exercise to increase strength and balance A Matter of Balance® Chances are you know someone who has fallen or has a fear of falling. A Matter of Balance is a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity. PCOA is looking for volunteers to help offer this program. Training is provided. For more information and to register for an upcoming training, contact Jennifer Cain, or call (520) 790-7573, ext. 3411.

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For more information and to register, contact Jennie at (520) 305-3410.

Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Living Are you a rapid ager? Biological age is a better health indicator than the number of years you’ve lived, but it’s tricky to measure

Healthspan measures incorporate quality of life in ways that lifespan does not. By Aditi Gurkar , Assistant Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Do you ever wake up some days and think, “When I was younger, I could survive on just four hours of sleep, but now it seems like I need 10”? Or have you ever walked out of the gym and “felt” your knees? Almost everyone experiences these kinds of signs of aging. But there are some people who seem to defy their age. The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg stayed on the bench until her death at age 87. The “Great British Bake Off” judge Mary Berry, now in her 80s, continues to inspire people all over the world to bake and enjoy life. And actor Paul Rudd was named People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” in 2021 at age 52 while still looking like he’s in his 30s. Is age just a number then? Researchers have focused a lot of attention on understanding the causes and risk factors of age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, osteoporosis and cancer. But many ignore the major risk factor for all of these diseases: aging itself. More than any individual risk factor such as smoking or lack of exercise, the number of years you’ve lived predicts onset of disease. Indeed, aging increases the risk of multiple chronic diseases by up to a thousandfold. However, no two people age the same. Although age is the principal risk factor for

from a complex mix of genetic traits and is influenced by factors like microbiome composition, environment, lifestyle, stress, diet and exercise. Genetics were once thought to have no influence on aging or longevity. However, in the early 1990s, researchers reported the first studies identifying genes that were able to extend the lifespan of a small roundworm. Since then, multiple observations support the influence of genetics on aging. For example, children of long-lived parents and even those with long-lived siblings tend to live longer. Researchers have also identified multiple genes that influence longevity and play a role in resilience and protection from stress. These include genes that repair DNA, protect cells from free radicals and regulate fat levels. However, it is clear from studies in identical twins – who share the same genes but not the same exact lifespans – that genes are not the only factor that influences aging. In fact, genes probably account for only 20% to 30% of biological age. This suggests that other parameters can strongly influence biological aging. Environmental and lifestyle effects Researchers have found that environmental and lifestyle factors heavily influence biological age, including social connectedness, sleeping habits, water consumption, exercise and diet. Social connectedness is essential for well-being throughout life. But social

several chronic diseases, it is an unreliable indicator of how quickly your body will decline or how susceptible you are to age- related disease. This is because there is a difference between your chronological age, or the number of years you’ve been alive, and your biological age – your physical and functional ability. I am a scientist interested in redefining “age.” Instead of benchmarking chronological age, my lab is invested in measuring biological age. Biological age is a more accurate measure of healthspan, or years lived in good health, than chronological age, and doesn’t directly correlate with wrinkles and gray hairs. Rapid agers experience a faster rate of functional deterioration relative to their chronological age. My grandmother, who lived to be 83 but was bedridden and could not remember who I was for the last few years of her life, was a rapid ager. My grandfather, on the other hand, also lived until he was 83, but he was active, functional and even did my homework with me until he passed away – he was a healthy ager. With the unprecedented growth of the world’s aging population, I believe that figuring out ways to measure biological age and how to maintain or delay its advance is critical not only for individual health, but also for the social, political and economic health of our society. Detecting rapid agers early on presents an opportunity to delay, change or even reverse the trajectory of biological aging. Genetics and biological age Biological aging is multifaceted. It arises

(continued on page 22)

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Pima Council on Aging

Healthy Minds for Life A Message from Lee Ryan, Professor and Head of the Psychology Department at the University of Arizona Lifelong Learning for Brain Health and Well-Being

There’s an alternative to brain training apps, however, that has promise for maintaining brain health and our well- being as we age. Lifelong learning is just what it sounds like – people seeking out educational experiences at every age that are challenging, engaging, and meaningful. In our student years up to and including college, our full- time job is learning, as we build a base of knowledge and skill that leads to a career. After we join the workforce, in our 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, learning is often directed at professional development or upgrading skills that can increase our competitiveness. For older adults, educational experiences more often focus on personal interests and life enrichment. They can take many forms, including non-credit academic courses, lecture series, book clubs, educational travel, or community service activities. What these activities have in common is that they provide ways to explore new knowledge, stay engaged with the community, and form new social relationships. And, at the same time, we are challenging our brains. There is growing evidence suggesting that lifelong learning has benefits for brain aging. For example, adults in their 60’s and 70’s who took courses to learn a new language showed improvements in executive functions, a set of abilities that allow us to control and manipulate information in our minds. Taking a course not only provides the opportunity to gain new knowledge, but it also brings people together who share common interests. Meaningful social interaction is incredibly important for our emotional well-being, which also benefits brain health. Studies have shown that individuals who continue to learn, stay active, and maintain strong social networks as they age are more likely to maintain their cognitive abilities in later life. A powerful way to engage in lifelong learning is through community

If you search the internet with the term “brain games”, you’ll find a mind-numbing (pardon the pun) number of apps for phones and tablets that claim to improve your memory, increase concentration, and even slow the brain aging process. Some researchers have argued that daily activities, even engaging ones like reading the newspaper or playing chess, will not provide the kind of mental practice that is required to strengthen cognitive processes like memory or attention. According to them, we should consider the brain like the muscles of our body, which can be strengthened and toned through targeted exercise. Brain training apps promise to deliver carefully crafted exercises, with just the right degree of difficulty and repetition, to give us the kind of ‘work-out’ our brains need to stay sharp. At least, that’s what they tell us. And, clearly, a lot of people believe it. Brain training is now a multi-billion dollar industry. But whether brain games work or not has been the topic of much scientific controversy. Indeed, some researchers have shown that carefully controlled cognitive exercises can improve scores on tests of basic cognitive skills, like memory. But other researchers have highlighted the inconsistency of the evidence across many, many studies – for every study that finds a benefit, there’s another study that doesn’t. Most importantly, there is no compelling evidence that brain training results in actual benefits to activities that are important for our daily lives, like remembering to take your medication, remembering the name of a recent acquaintance, or making better decisions about your finances. While brain training may have some positive effects, it’s clear that many companies have wildly exaggerated the potential benefits of using their apps.

volunteering. As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to learn new skills or to share your own expertise and knowledge with others. You’re likely to connect with a variety of new people from diverse backgrounds, leading to new friendships. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University showed that volunteering was associated with better memory performance and improved problem solving skills among older adults. Equally important, they found that older volunteers were less stressed and happier – volunteering gave meaning and a sense of purpose to their lives. My advice – forget the brain training games on your computer or smart phone. Instead, find activities that will feed your brain and your emotional well-being at the same time. Take a course in poetry or bird-watching, attend some astronomy lectures, or volunteer your time at the local school or the food bank. Your brain will thank you. To learn more about the Precision Aging Network, visit our website at https:// If you’d like to hear more about our studies, or if you’d be interested in participating, send us an email at healthymindsforlife@email. We’ll tell you about some great opportunities to get involved. I’ll look forward to hearing from you! Lee Ryan is a Professor and Head of the Psychology Department at the University of Arizona. She is a researcher studying aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and is a member of the Precision Aging Network.

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 17

Pima Council on Aging

PCOA Puzzle

May Puzzle    

46 Matinee favorite 48 "Chop-chop!"



50 Magic 54 Pickle 58 Chemically inactive 59 Obsolete 61 Rocky debris at the base of a hill 62 Fail to mention 63 Bean capital of S America? 64 Decline to bid 65 Charts 66 Everyone, down South Down 1 Employs 2 Hue 3 Heavy ordnance, briefly




4 Author --- Hesse 5 Sleeping problem 6 Careful attention 7 Encounter

8 Obi, for example 9 Insulting remarks 10 Crookedly obtain Thai dwelling 11 Now it makes sense! 12 Pigs' digs? 15 Diversify



17 Trusted assistant 21 Homeland leaver 23 Imelda ---, who had a shoe surfeit 25 Tabloid target 26 Spanish saint martyred in boiling pitch 27 Arrangers 29 Synthetic meat can be created in this 30 The Pearl of the Black Sea 32 Third letter of the Greek alphabet 33 Eject 35 Gazed upon 38 The door in Dordogne, or in Texas 42 With celerity 45 Found behind the shin 47 Ventures 49 Lends 50 Small tuft 51 Machu Picchu builder 52 Chamber 53 Where the 3:10 went 55 Mother of Uranus 56 Web code 57 Small dabbling duck 60 Apex




Across 1 The Beehive State 5 PIN points? 9 Bring aboard 13 Beget 14 Entreaty 15 Nonchalantly unconcerned 16 Bewitches 18 American Idol winner --- Studdard 19 Block 20 Conjectures 22 --- Dalgleish, P.D. James protagonist 24 Pole 25 Biological duplicate 28 Shun

31 "A very high price to pay for maturity" (Tom Stoppard) 34 Acquire through merit 35 Bank link 36 Strain 37 Tote 38 Speaking point? 39 Little devil 40 Pitcher's stat. 41 Requested in exchange for a kingdom (Shakespeare) 42 Locale of the Viminal Hill 43 Prohibition 44 Colombian cash 45 Artificial waterway

Answers: following page

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Pima Council on Aging



Puzzle Solution from previous page

“Age is simply the number of years the world has been enjoying you!” — Unknown PCOA Event Policy * In accordance with CDC guidelines, masking at PCOA facilities is recommended and encouraged for staff, volunteers, and members of the public. Masks will be available if needed at our front desks. CDC recommends people at high risk of serious illness from COVID -19 discuss when they should wear masks and other precautions with their healthcare provider. PCOA representatives will gladly put on a mask at your request. For the time being, food will not be permitted to be served indoors at our facilities. Guidelines for functions held in community sites not operated by PCOA may vary.

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Pima Council on Aging

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