Never Too Late - May 2023


By Ann Gile , Aging and Caregiving Support Specialist Aging Unbound

Caregivers across America are making an extraordinary difference in how people age in place and live out their “Golden Years.” May 2023, Older Americans Month (OAM) has chosen the theme, Aging Unbound. Unbound, what does this mean? It is to “not be fastened” or “not be confined.” Other synonyms include footloose, free, and unrestrained. During the aging process, some might not think of being footloose and free, but rather being weighed down with the thoughts of all that they cannot do. Some may have significant illnesses and physical challenges that make living independently more difficult. As Aging and Caregiving Specialists, our efforts are devoted to helping older adults live as healthy and as safely as possible. There are many things we can do as Caregivers to help those we care for in living a more independent and healthy “unbounding” aging life! Take care of your physical health • Walking at least 8000 steps per day compared to 4000 resulted in a 51% lower risk of death from all causes for adults 40 and older. You can increase the number of steps you take daily by keeping your body moving, such as walking the dog, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and gardening along with a lot of other simple tasks at home. Increasing your physical activity will have an impact on your weight which will protect against

care for by setting up a good routine which includes getting to bed at a reasonable time, limiting “screen time” and creating a restful environment. Take care of your mental health • Mental health is directly related to physical wellbeing. If you are stressed, depressed, or isolated, your ability to do all the above will be compromised and then lead to poor health. As we age, we often become more socially isolated which leads to loneliness. As Caregivers, we can make an impact by helping those we care for by planning social activities with friends and family as much as possible. Living a life that is footloose, free, and unrestrained is not something we all of a sudden start doing! It is something that must be continued, maintained, and nurtured as we age. We can and should plan on modifications along the way. This Aging Unbound is not a race but rather a marathon that will take our entire lifetime to achieve!

several debilitating diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. As Caregivers, we can assist the ones we care for by assisting them in moving and walking alongside them. • Seeing your Primary Care Provider on a regular basis for health screenings is essential to living an unbounding aging life. Make smart food choices • Watching what you eat makes a bigger difference than you may realize. Drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of vegetables, fruit, lean protein, and whole grains will help you live a longer and healthier life. As Caregivers, we need to assist those we care for by helping them plan and prepare meals that are smart and nutritious. Get a good night’s sleep • Getting a good night’s sleep is important for all of us, regardless of our age, and has an impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. As Caregivers, we can assist those we

Page 12 | May 2023, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

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