Never Too Late - May 2023

Looking for Volun

Healthy Living

A Matter of Balance® offered in person

Cornerstone Fellowship 2902 N. Geronimo Ave. May 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25 Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm

Tucson Estates 5900 W. Western Way Circle Sept. 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 Tuesdays & Fridays 1 – 3 pm

Contribution: $30.00 (covers your book and supplies)

Looking for Volunteer Coaches! AMatter of Chances are you know someone who h A Matter of Balance is a proven program concerns about falls and increase physi Adult Falls Coalition is looking for vo program. Free training provided.

A Matter of Balance® is a a workshop designed to reduce the fear of falling and help participants learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity and make changes to reduce fall risks at home. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for 10-15 participants and is led by trained coaches.

May 2023, Never Too Late | Page 15 This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. Classes are free and held twice a week for 4 weeks for 2 hours each. Participants learn to: · view falls as controllable · set goals for increasing activity · make changes to reduce fall risks at home · exercise to increase strength and balance A Matter of Balance® Chances are you know someone who has fallen or has a fear of falling. A Matter of Balance is a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity. PCOA is looking for volunteers to help offer this program. Training is provided. For more information and to register for an upcoming training, contact Jennifer Cain, or call (520) 790-7573, ext. 3411.

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For more information and to register, contact Jennie at (520) 305-3410.

Pima Council on Aging

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