King's Business - 1924-08

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


August 1924

A NEW EVANGELICAL. THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE H E are very glad to call the attention of the readers of The King’s Business to the organization of a much-needed enterprise,— a really evangelical Theological College, offering a curriculum which, in addition to the usual courses of proved value in inculcating in prospective preachers and teachers of the Word of God, correct principles of Bible study and inter­ pretation, provides also that comprehensive and intensive training in the Scriptures so essential for true expository preaching and soul-winning. Three years ago Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, whose wide ministry covering many years, had acquainted him with the great need of such a school, called into consultation several well-known Bible teachers of North America to consider the preliminary steps necessary for the establishment of such an institution, and the plan has finally found fruition in the organization and incorporation of the Evangelical Theo­ logical College, at Dallas, Texas. This new school will open this fall. A large faculty, including both resident and non-resident teachers, many of international reputation, has been secured, comprising the following, to date: Wm. M. Anderson, Jr., D. D.; W . Irving Carroll, D. D .; Lewis Sperry Chafer; Arno C. Gaebelein, D. D.; George E. Guille; H. A. Ironside; Herbert Macken- zie; Taylor O. Perrin, D. D.; A. H. Perpetuo, M. A .; W'ni. L. Pettingill, D. D.; B. B. Sutcliffe; W . H. Griffith Thomas; A. B. Winchester; Wm. P. White, D. D. The resident teachers are men especially fitted by thor­ ough preparation and wide experience in their respective fields, and the non-resident ledturers, drawn from the ranks of the best known Bible expositors of the Continent, will give extended and connected courses throughout the school year. There will be no tuition fees or other charges. Room and board will be secured at cost. Since the college is estab­ lished and maintained only for the glory of God, no endow­ ment fund is to be established, but it is believed that God will provide for the work from year to year, and when He ceases to supply the needs it will be time to abandon the work. Contributions may be: sent to the Treasurer, Mr. Wm. B. Mosher, Dallas, Texas, at any time, and official receipts will be issued. SWEDISH ALLIANCE MISSIONARY IN INDIA DISCLAIMS ANY SYMPATHY WITH MODERNISM In the' March issue appeared an editorial entitled “ Modernism and Missions in Western India,” in which —quoting from “ The Indian Christian ’'’-jrffwere given some startling evidences of Modernistic teaching in various missions, as found in “ The Dynanadaya” the official organ of a number of denominational missions, including the Swedish Alliance Mission. We are just in receipt of a letter, however, from Mr. Enok Hedberg, of the Swedish Alliance Mission, sta­ tioned at Dhulia, Khandesh, India, in which he says: “ As far as the Swedish Alliance Mission is concerned, we have now no affiliation with “The Dynanadaya.” As we were interested in united effort and believing that “ The Dynanadaya” was a good paper, we supported it for a couple of years, under the express understanding that it had nothing to do either with Modernism or politics. But when a new editor was appointed and he started to write Mod­ ernistic articles, the paper automatically ceased to be our organ and our support was withdrawn. * * * We are in India to preach the Gospel and the Gospel alone. I am sure the King’s Business will be glad to give room for this statement, and also hope that all papers which might have copied your article will— in the interest of truth -—do the same.” We are, indeed, glad to publish this statement giv­ ing the true facts in the case, and rejoice to know that

The Swedish Alliance Mission has given this splendid witness for the truth, obeying the Scriptural injunc­ tion. “ I f there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine^ receive him not*** neither bid him Godspeed ; for he that biddéth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.” NOTICES OF BIBLE CONFERENCES It is a matter of regret that we are so seldom able to give due notice of the time and place of meeting of the various Bible Conferences and Summer Assemblies, because of the fact that The King’s Business is issued a month in advance, — this issue (August) for instance, being ready for mailing July 1st. This necessitates our having all matter in the hands of the printer by May 20, to allow sufficient time to print, read and re-read proof, make up, bind and wrap ready for mailing 45,000 copies. We feel that this explanation is due those friends who send us information regarding such gatherings, and which we would be glad to pass along to our readers were the conditions otherwise. The Ministerial Institute, July 14-24, at Montrose, Pa., will hear Dr. James M. Gray of The Moody Bible Institute, Dr. R. A. Torrey, of the Los Angeles Bible Institute, Dr. Leander S. Keyser, and Dr. J. E. Gonant. Cedar Lake Bible Conference, Cedar Lake, Ind., July 27- August 10 is this year under a permanent organization. Rev. W . Graham Scroggie will be the first speaker, followed by Rev. R. H. Glover, on “Missions, the Supreme Task,” Rev. James A. Sutherland in “ Studies in Exodus,” Rev. George E. Guille in ten lectures on biblical themes, and Dr. Guy Fitch Phelps in three addresses. Oicean City Conference, Ocean City, N. J. August 3-13, will welcome Rev. Harold Paul Sloan, D. D., a distinguished Methodist leader, Rev. L. W. Gosnell of the Institute Fac­ ulty, Rev. J. E. Conant, D. D., Rev. Henry Ostrom, D. D., and Rev. James M. Gray, D. D., in four addresses. Sidney E. Cox will be in charge of the music. ^ 14 . 11 H Rev, Edmund D. Sills, of Dunkirk, N. Y., has written to Rev. John G. Reid, the author of an article in the May issue, entitled “ Is It Fundamental?” remonstrating against the statement that Bishop Gore concurred in the belief of Bishop Lawrence that “ there is no essential connection between belief in the Virgin Birth and belief in the Incar­ nation.” Mr. Sills insists that Bishop Gore is a staunch defender of the doctrine of the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, and says: “In these days when the faith is being attacked, it were indeed unfortunate for any individual or journal to attack those who are the strongest defenders of the faith. Rather should we hold up their hands.” In this connection, Mr. Reid has written The King’s Business requesting that we explain to our readers that he has not at hand the particular publication containing the statement made by Bishop Gore which gave him (Mr. Reid) the impression that Bishop Gore concurred in the state­ ment made by Bishop Lawrence; and that he had no thought whatever of casting any aspersion upon Bishop Gore, or of putting him in the same category with Bishop Lawrence, but only of correcting the position taken by even some who are perfectly sound as to their own belief in the Virgin Birth, that '“ the incarnation not the method of incarnation, is the essential thing.” Whereas, Mr. Reid’s article contended that “ the Virgin Birth IS the Incar­ nation.” Mr. Reid says: “ I rely upon you to do me the kindness, and both me and Bishop Gore the simple justice, to give this correction and disclaimer as wide a circulation as you think the occasion demands, that ‘the plaster be as wide as the wound,’ ” and this we take pleasure in doing. IS IT FUNDAMENTAL? (An Explanation and Disclaimer)

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