King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


My Dear Little People and Grown-up Friends: I wish to express to you my appre­ ciation of your faithful efforts which made this first Bible Contest such a great success. If you will look at the long list of names below you will see that 82 books have been sent in, sev­

to know more about the work write to me and I will gladly answer your letters. In July a now Bible Course was started, and splendid rewards are being offered by a friend who wishes you to study your Bibles. The list of rewards was printed in

great day with one hundred new mem­ bers for our Club. We now have one hundred ninety-five. Fifty April stor­ ies have been sent in. The three best will be published next month as there is no room this month. By the way, how many of you are trying for the rewards offered in the

eral from foreign coun­ tries and a large numr ber from the states. This result could not have been attained had not you parents and in­ structors carried on the work so faithfully in your homes. I wish: especially to thank all the parents whose persistence in the home work encouraged their children to con­ tinue to the, end of the long six months course. Also, Miss Theresa Cun- nungham a p u b 1i c school teacher of Kan­ sas, Miss Reba Thomp­ son of Kentucky, Mrs. H.. E. Hunt and MrS" Robinson of California, Mrs. A. M. Hersey of Idaho, and Mrs. R. E. Moss of Michigan de-, serve | special mention, as they all so faithfully Conducted classes, in this work. The books sent to me are thé result of a Cor­ respondence Course in the'- Children’s Garden, beginning with the pro­ phecies on the birth of Jesus and ending with His ascension. Several children re­ ceived the g r a d e of 99-17/18% for answers to questions; but as there were several other requirements in final awarding of prizes, such as spelling, legibility of w riting , individuality

June “ Garden” for new subscriptions to T h e King’s Business? Don’t forget .that we are .de­ pending on the “ Gar­ deners” to help us get our 100,000. Lovingly, Sophie Shaw Meader. 225 W . 15th St., Long Beach, Calif., NEW REWARDS FOR THREE MONTHS’ BIBLE COURSE July 1st to October 1st. To. each of the follow­ ing four groups will be given the same rewards. Primary Group: (under 7 years). Group 1: Ages 7 through 9. Group -2: .. . Ages 10 through 12. Group 3:n Ages i 3 to 15. Prizes One first prize in each group, $5.00. One second prize in each group, $3.00. One third prize in each group* $2.00. One fourth prize in each group, $1.00. All others will receive a nice book.

HONOR ROLL The following children have satisfactorily completed The Club Six Months’ Correspondence Course “The Life of October 1, 1923, to April 1, 1924

Red Book Christ”

Abram Thiet, ......... Colo. .Ila; Woo.d, ..... a ;................ Canada Jennie Spiruit,..... :.....„..'..'...N. Y. Virginia Cole, .......... „„.Calif. Muriel; Ruppe, ..................... Kan. Mary Hunt, .........................N. J. Vera Shook, ....................... Mich. Ethel Gray........!....;So. America Minnie Gray...........So. America Paul Wood,...,...,......... .Nebr.' Beulah Stover ,.,.Kan. Leta Muir ,.>■............Wash. Mina Lee Dodd---.-......... ..„Calif. Walter Paul..............N. Dakota Katherine MacDonald ..Canada Esther Thut :............... Colo. .Dorothy Cully , f .........-.......Calif. R'uby D u ffy ................ ..Kans. Margaret Anderson ........Calif. Ruth Bastady ............o.Calif.: Evelyn Helgeneld .....¿..’..Calif. Nelsa Smith .................. a ...Calif. Donald Smith ..... .„..Calif. Vendella Rydberg ........S. Dak. Mary Kennedy ................... Okla. Katherine Gore .'................Tenn. Anne Blanchard '........ Colo. Nettie Driskill .............5.....Colo. Louis Wohlsein .................Idaho Samuel Ward ..... ¿....Kans. Jessie Sim ..... „!................Kans. Margaret Bald .................Penn. Bernice Moore ...................Kans. Fern •Conoway' .................Kans. Opal Hudson ..................._Kans. Ruth Haller ..... ...Kans. Mary Young ............. N. C. Raymond Johnson............Kans. Elizabeth Richards ........Mich. Leonard Pokorney ..........Minn. Clara Jones .....................Kans, Ethel Bodeker' ...................Minn. John Grace .........................Penn; Caroline Hood .....................Ariz. Charles Gautschi ....... Nebr. Selma Wood ...................Canada Carroll Erikson ............ ..Mmn. Velma Cate .......................Idaho

GROUP ONE (A g e s 7 th rou gh 9) (P rizes aw arded in the order nam ed) Irène J o ce lÿ îi .................Canada R iith W ied er .........C olorado R èùèl De T urk .:................. Penn. D oroth y H adley ............—..Kan. B etsy . D eR idder ........ ..Kan. M ary Sm ith ..........................N. Y. E lainè H ersey ................... Idaho B eulah H osk in s ...............Idaho E dnà B ald .......................... ..Pènn. Gharlotte K ennedy..!.........Okla. HONORABLE MENTION j F ran cis W o h lse n -.............Idaho Laiiren, Meader .............‘..XJalif, C lifford R ie e ................... M inti’ R on ald H e r s e y >k....!........Idaho H arqld G race ......„...:....r...Penn. GROUP TWO (A g e s 10 th rou g h 12) (P rizes aw arded, in the order nam ed) Joan D uthie ......:...^....:N. China Ine^ M oss ...M ichigan R obert T harp ............ ..N. China R uth W ood ....................-AA^-Neb. A lbert W ied er ......................Colo. Jean B all .......:................... T exas E lizabeth Giilis, ..!.........H aw aii J oy ce W atson . — ........Indiana F loren ce B uzzard ........Illin ois M atilda K otrb a ........N ebraska . ..Oregon Esther Sommer ...................Ohio Thomas Smith ...................N. Y. R oy Avilla ........ .Calif. Lillian; Morris ..... Wis. W illiam McKenley,—— l .......Ky. Clarice Hadley, ...................Kan. Bertha Little, .............. Ky. HONORABLE MENTION Ruth Scruggs

shown, neatness, and suitable illus­ trations, the first and second prizes were awarded as shown below. The judges spent over seven days of eight hours each in correcting books and making decisions and I am sure all of you dear boys and girls will be satisfied. Nearly every child’s grade for an­ swers to questions was over 95% ; so you can realize how hard it was to make a final decision. You have done splendidly, boys and girls. I am proud of your beautiful books. They have all been returned to you before this. If anyone wishes

the July K. B. but we are reprinting them this month. Notice the list below. We wish to make this New Three Months’ Bible Course on “ The Com­ ing of the King’’ which began in July and ends the first of October, a greater success than our other contests. Kansas still leads in the number of Club members, having sent in the names of twenty new members, mak­ ing forty-two in all. Notice the new illustration at the top of our page. ' October 1st is the birthday of our Children’s Garden. Let us make it a

NEW BIBLE CONTEST COR­ RESPONDENCE COURSE July 1st to October 1st THE COMING OF THE KING July (I.) Watchfulness (see July K. B.) August (II.) 1. The Watchers , Taken to the King’s Home in the Skies. 2. Prophecies of the King’s Return to This Earth. (Continued on page 529)

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