August 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
G£ffiEESE 525 B 2 SE 5 E 5 ffi 2 H 5 ?q?i;ic>ciq?i?c>qpq?ii>q?wq?i 5 isiq?ii?q?q?‘?ywslSI 5 ?ra 25 ZSa 525 ESE 5 E 5 E 52 S 25 E 5 H 5 HS 25 E 52 S 2525252 SE 5252 SH 5 i 52 . Bible Institute Happenings Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students
Jason P. Steer, ’16, Arque, Bolivia: “We have been passing through some testing times the past few weeks as well as many other times since com ing to Bolivia. My w ife has been in bed very* sick for some weeks now. I had to be doctor and nurse and cook and all for there is no one to help. Please pray fo r her. This is the seventh time that she has been near death’s door since leaving the States. Just at present there is a feast beginning here in Arque. They call it a carnival but it is a time that they can do anything they please and not be held accountable for it. You can imagine the sin that w ill abound in a land with loose-m orals and no marriage laws at all, you m ight say. There w ill be lots of drunkenness and fighting.” The follow in g is an extract from a recent letter from Mrs. C. B. Whitwell, now at Arrington, V irginia: “Not a day passes but we think of and pray for the dear B. I. People in the backwoods here have not heard much about the B. I., but I tell you they are hearing about it now, from Dan to Beersheba! They are a fo x hunting, and in some cases, m oon-shin ing, crowd, but there is not a Modernist or H igher Critic among them— just plain sinners needing Jesus. One of our best workers got too much moonshine the other day. Cutler found it out, went to his cabin and took care of him. When he was better, Cutler prayed with him and told him the Gospel. The result was that when Cutler went back at sunset he had taken Jesus as his Saviour, all by himself. Praise the Lord! We are also w itnessing to all the New Y ork business men who come down here. It is aston ishing how ready folk s are to receive the real Bread of Life.” B. L. Litchman, '17, writes from his | station in A frica as follow s: “Prayer is everything to the missionary. The other day a couple o f us were talking about conditions among the native evangelists and teachers and we agreed that if we didn’t believe that the H oly Spirit was backing us in our service, we would pack up and go home. We are living in apostate times and Satanic influences are being felt more and more. The great apostate R. C. is doing everything to bring the W ord o f God into disrepute. W e have our villages where our boys form erly preached the Gospel, and then w orldly inducements have come along and swept the people of£ their feet. It is pretty enticing to the average native to hear that he can continue in sin while he accepts Babylonianism, and when he dies they can go to heaven by giving a few goats to the priest to pray over him. Pray for these poor benighted souls whose minds are being darkened more than ever by the superstition of Rome. Many of the Christians still believe that sickness can be caused by another per son, and the m issionary needs plain teaching along the line of demonology and the kingdom of Satan. The mission field is before us but the laborers are few . We must have a married couple to occupy Linga station amongst the Balendu people, and it must be occupied in 1924 or it may be too late. Rome awaits ju st such opportunities.” The follow in g comes from Ernest Diem, ’21, in South America: “During the past year and a half, it has been my privilege to w ork among the country people who live around Villarrica, Paraguay. Beside the regular pastoral w ork among the believers who are scattered all over the country, we have been engaged in active aggressive evangelistic work. I have been holding Bible classes among the believers every Sunday. Our believers here live in little groups of one, tw o or (Continued on Page 536)
Lew is Sperry Chafer, and also Rev. C. S. Detweiler and Dr. A. M. Petty, during February. Feb. 20th filled their cup to overflow ing when Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hummel parents o f Karl Hummel, ar rived for a month’s visit. Mr. Hummel reports that Miss Annie Thomas, 18, has been obliged to give up her work on account of ill health. Miss Marie Mack, ’23, Guatemala City, Guatemala, tells o f a conference held at Barbarena, where she spent seven days among Spanish-speaking people, which helped her a great deal in the lan guage. She asks prayer for the believ ers who are saved that they may walk worthy o f their high calling in Christ Jesus, and fo r many souls still in pagan darkness in a land of many crosses, but without “ the Cross or the salvation the work o f the Cross brings to those who accept the Saviour whom they know not.” Miss Ethel Moore, ’20, w rites: “We are leaving Yegros for Caballero, Paraguay. It is a place where there has never been a station. There is no work of any kind there and no believers as yet, so you see we have a big work before us. We w ill have three little towns close together, which w ill require much horse-back rid ing, or if possible we want to get a phaeton in order to take the organ and the magic lantern when mine arrives. W e do praise the Lord for the way the w o r k . is opening up all through this land.’ William A. Hick, Chungking, Czech- wan, w rites: “ You w ill see here a great need for prayer for this land o f China. Only recently a steamer captain was killed just a little distance down the river from us. Robbers boarded the steamer at one o f the ports and a fter ward killed the captain and looted all of the passengers. The work o f evangeli zation is much hindered because o f the condition o f the country. In many cases the outstations cannot be visited at all. Pray for missionaries who are trying to itinerate and who are in continual dan ger of their lives.” O. J. Kirk, ’18, writes from Poko, Congo, Beige, A frica: “The tw o young ladies here have been out in the bush for three weeks and returned with good news o f the work out there. We do praise God for what the evangelists have been doing, as this place has never been visited all the time we have been here at Poko. The work has all been done by the native evangelists. They report a number of believers who seem to be real; but one o f the great troubles with these people is that many of them are ready to believe with the tongue but not so readily from the heart. We are just praying that the Lord w ill soon send us a couple more workers to help us in reaching out to the west. It is impos sible fo r us to cover this vast section as it should be done.” W . R. Hunrichs, '22, Corumba, Matto Grosso, Brazil, w rites: “The Lord has blessed in the w ork here by placing another w orker in the station with me. The Lord has given us some blessed times together in the W ord and in ser vice. Several believers are being pre pared for baptism at the present time and others are inquiring; so we are encouraged. Some of them are starting fam ily worship in their homes and are •continuing to read through their Bibles marking them as they go. The Lord is leading also in the form ing o f a prayer circle and this w ill mean more power, w e are sure. He is preparing the grounds fo r a strong mission church, we believe, and have cast it all upon Him and we know He w ill bring it to pass.”
Wednesday, April 22d, was observed as a day of fasting: and prayer at the Bible Institute, and many lives were blessed and strengthened. Miss Christabel Pankhurst recently conducted a two weeks’ series of meet ings in the Bible Institute auditorium, her addresses centering around the theme of the com ing of Christ. George R. Keepin, ’21, is assistant pas tor of a Methodist church is Chicago. Miss Margaret Brann, ’19 is at present living in Los Angeles and attending the third year classes at the Institute. Mr. and Mrs. John Baergen are in Bloomfield, Montana, trying to hold up the Lord Jesus Christ, and report that some have accepted Him as a personal Saviour. Though Satan is very busy, the Lord is blessing His Word. Rev. Otho P. LaPorte, ’20, and Rev. Rollo C. La Porte, who have been study ing in Edinburgh, left there April 15th to take a short course in the University o f Strassburg, intending to study later at the Sorbonne, Paris. George Hall, '22, after spending five months with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mitchell in evangelistic work in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, sailed for Australia on April 23rd, to take up work in con nection with the V ictoria Open-air Mis sion. Harry Jones, ’22, writes from Tippera, India, stating that his greatest joy there is a class o f young men between the ages o f 17 and 20, which he teaches on Saturday afternoons. He is making good progress with the language. For his “ pastime” he is taking up the study of astronomy. Rev. Harlow Parsons, ’15, Franklin, N. Y., has a class o f young people in his church with whom he is using the Gos pel o f John. He also preaches from it each Sunday morning. Mr. Parsons has been in his present pastorate for three years. Oscar E* Sanden, ’23, who has been in evangelistic work in the South, con ducted meetings during May in the French districts near New Oreleans, ex pecting then to work north toward Shreveport and surrounding territory. Miss Hattie Shaffer, ’21, has entered into children's work in San D iego and tells o f her great jo y in seeing so many happy little faces each day. She has succeeded in gathering a large number o f children in a short time and ^asks prayer that a real revival may creak out among the poor children o f San Diego. Am ong Bible Institute students a c cepted by the Inland South America Mis sionary Union and w aiting to go to South America are the follow in g: Miss Elva May Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Hazelton, \ Mr. E. Edwin Paulson, Mr. Harold M. Reed, Mr. William G. Scherer. Miss Marjorie L. Harrison, ’ 23, has just completed an extensive tour w ith her father, Rev. Norman B. Harrison, who has been conducting very successful Bible teaching campaigns in the East. Her main line o f service was presenting the Gospel in song and also addressing meetings fo r women and young people. While in Chicago, Miss Harrison visited the Moody Bible Institute and was inter ested to meet several old Biola friends. Karl Hummel, ’18, Managua, Nicar agua, C. A., tells of the precious fellow - • ship enjoyed in the conferences with Dr.
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