August 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S: B U S I N E S S
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt.-—Twenty-five W om en Engaged in House to House Personal W ork; Bible Classes and Soul W inning Clubs. SAVED AT THE ETERI GRUB In house to house visitation, the workeT is appalled at the increasing indifference to spiritual things. In* many sections one finds a few in "isms” but a great majority who, though once in church “ back East” now make no pretense of attending church anywhere. They seem entirely indiffer ent to their spiritual needs or those of their children. After trying in vain to get unsaved people into a series of special meetings in a church, one realizes more than ever the important place of the Clubs among the young people, to win them for Christ. Looking about one of the Eteri Club meetings after such reflections the worker noted quite, a number of girls who are now earnest Christians, working in Church and Sunday School, but who were never seen there until they had found Christ in the Eteri Club. Here was a girl who, met and reproved by a Catholic priest one day because she had not been to church recently, assured him sweetly but convinc ingly that she would not be back for she had found Christ as her Saviour and proceeded to point out the way of sal vation through the blood of Christ instead of a church. We felt sure, from the reports, that the priest heard a good Gospel sermon on the street that day. There was another young woman who, when a business man of the town spoke to her lightly of the things of God, spoke to him so earn estly of the claims of Christ on her life, that he could make no reply, but asked in astonishment “ Where did you ever learn to talk like that” ? The Spirit has been teaching her many things the last few months. There was another, a young woman who came to the 'Club one night with a heart breaking with a j mighty sorrow. After drinking in ’ the message eagerly, she borrowed a Testament from another girl and sat reading it for two hours after'the meeting closed and found the comfort she needed. There were still others there who would probably not have been reached by the regular channels of the chureh alone, among them one who accepted the Lord as her Saviour in the meeting that night. When asked where she attended church,-she said she had once gone to a Christian Science S. S. but since her mother had turned from Science to' Unity she', had gone nowhere until she started attending the Eteri Club a few weeks before. She added, “ Each week I have been growing more and more hungry, for the Lord, until tonight I just had to come to Him.” She is now in another S. S.’'Class and happy in the Lord. We must no longer depend on the regular channels of the church alone for the winning of the lost but let us rejoice that we live in days when the Lord so needs every Chris tian to go out individually, and by the personal word and any means He shall choose to bless, seek to bring the lost to Him. Bible Class Her Only Church “ The Bible Class was the only church She had.” These were the words of the hostess of our Bible Study Class as she told the Bible woman over the '’phone of the arrange
ments the class was making for the last services for a mem ber of the class. As the wife of an unbelieving husband, it had been many years since she had attended church, and had not the Bible class been brought within such easy reach of her, it; is a question if she would have heard the Gospel story. But a young woman, so quiet in herself that it will take eternity to reveal the real work she is doing for the, ..Lord, had ¡taken her to the Bible class, where, after attending, several times, she had been brought to person ally receive the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Many months later, request was made for prayers for her at the class meeting, while she was in the hospital where she had gone for a serious operation. In answer to prayer, she came home wonderfully recovered, and came over to the class very happy indeed. Overw'ork, however, sent her back to the hospital, and in a few days she had passed into the presence of the Lord. The services were arranged for by; the clasà hostess, and it was the Bible Class that accom panied her body to the last resting place on earth. But it was a joyous group of women who remembered that through the Bible Class the Gospel had been brought to this dear woman who would probably not have heard it other wise. “Occupy Till I Come” The Lord Jesus in view of His return said to His servants these words, “Occupy till I come,” . (Luke 19 :13 ). The Bible Women are seeking, each in her particular line of work, to do business for Him. .The following is an account of one day’s work reported by one of thé women. “ It was necessary for me to go to one of the large stores to purchase some chairs for the children’s, class. While making the purchase I offèred the saleswoman a Gospel of John, and asked her if she had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. She made some vague remark about truth. I told' her that Truth is a Person, that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the Truth, (Jno. 1 4 :6 ). She thanked me for, the Book and said she would read it and share it with her friend. A call was then made on a Sunday School scholar who was absent the Sunday previous, a word of encouragement spoken, and an invitation given to a meeting that evening. Arriving home there was time before leaving for the Bible Class, for a letter to a young convert who had left the city. My heart was made glad by the presence at the class of a woman whom I had led to Christ some months previous, who brought her unsaved sister. As à result of this woman’s'conversion, two of her neighbors have become regular 'attendants of the Bible Class. After the class was over I decided to make a call on the new hostess of the Children’s Class. I inquired after her health, and the way soon opened up for me to ask her definitely regarding her spiritual condition. She then told me that the day the ladies had called on her regarding a home for the Children’s Class she had been thinking that she ought to join a church. She said, “ I used to go to Sunday School, but I was never interested, no one ever explained these things to me.” Opening a Gospel of John I showed her God’s way of salvation, and asked her if she was willing to come to Christ as a lost sinner and take Him
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