King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Mexican colonies and railroad camps and hold outdoor ser­ vices. Sometimes we have some of the men students and Mexican converts accompany us, and we sing and give a message, after which some of the converts give their testi­ mony. This also has been fruitful in the conversion of many souls, it being, according to the testimony of some, the first time or place they had heard the Gospel. This work is accompanied by personal interviews and distribu­ tion of tracts. Our method then is to follow up these converts and . organize them into Bible study classes. We have seven such classes or groups of believers in differ­ ent towns round about Los Angeles. And last, but not least, we have two Sunday Schools where we minister to a goodly number each Lord’s day. During, the week we have a Young Men’s Bible Training class for the purpose of training them for the work of the Lord if perchance they are called into His service. We are very desirous that our work extend down into Mexico itself, and some of our young men have expressed a desire to return some day to their own land to preach the Gospel. Please pray for us that the Word of God may have free course and be glorified. m SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt.— Our W orkers board all vessels in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. “ A Sower W ent Forth to Sow ; Some Seeds Fell on good Ground” — Matt. 13:3. H REQUENTLY; we mention Mr. Zimmerman, the founder of the Seamen’s work in this harbor as well as the work in the other harbors, and we cannot refrain from doing so again. We received a letter from him enclosing a paragraph about a worker in New Orleans, who had visited a Dutch vessel, in one of the rooms of which he had seen one of our Bible Institute calendars. We studied our records to see if we had ever visited this vessel and learned that we had not. What had happened? The young man had been vis­ ited while in San Pedro on another vessel, had returned to his native land or to some other port, and had been trans­ ferred to this boat. He had so appreciated our gift that he had taken it with him, We ask one question: What human mind can tell the outcome of one Gospel or tract? Allow your imagination to travel, and still you are engulfed. Eternity alone will tell the story, of a word spoken, a prayer offered, or a tract or Gospel given by any Christian anywhere at any time. Let each one of us be alive to our opportunities. On one of the Japanese passenger boats, as we entered the Chinese Department, one of the men asked if we remembered him. “ Yes,” we answered, and then learned that he had been paid off on one vessel and was on his way home on this one. Both of us praised God that we were six months nearer eternity where we would forever be with Him who had made us brothers by our personal acceptance of Himself. Our hearts were warmed on one of the several French vessels visited when we met a man who really knew Christ. Real “ born again,” Bible-loving Christians are scarce on any ship, but especially so on French vessels. The eager­ ness to receive the Bible on the part of the other men stimu- lates our efforts. Lack of space causes us to omit telling of decisions for Christ made on the Mexican boats, heart-to-heart conversa­ tions with our own U. S. Navy boys, social service rendered to the transient passengers, and other items of interest. Continue to pray. “ The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

as her Saviour. She said, “ X want to.” Later, in the presence of her husband and mother, she signed her accept­ ance of Christ in the Gospel of John. On reaching home I had to make a purchase in the neighborhood, so took three more Gospels of John with me to the store and distributed them there. While eating my supper I could hear the hose being used, and remem­ bered that the man who was using it was a Roman Cath­ olic. I decided I would give him a Gospel of John and leave the consequences with God. It was getting time to start for Miss Pankhurst’s meeting so, boarding a street car, I had a fine opportunity to distribute cards announcing the meeting and give the passengers an invitation to it. When I arrived at the meeting I saw God had blessed the call made in the morning, for the Sunday School scholar was present at the meeting. Returning home on the street car I had the opportunity of giving out a few more cards announcing Miss Pankhurst’s meetings. Thus ended “One more day’s work for Jesus, one less of life for me.”

A GROUP OP BIBLE WOMEN SPANISH WORK R obert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and House to House W ork am ong 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ Suffer little children to com e unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14) |OR the benefit of the readers of The King’s Busi­ ness, I want to tell you about the different bran­ ches of our work among the Spanish speaking people with whom it is our privilege to work. With the aid of Spanish speaking students of the Bible Institute, we are able to make our work quite extensive. For instance, the women students are engaged in visitation and Bible class work among the women, as a result of which many are converted and more Bible classes formed Then some of our students have Children’s Meetings which also have been fruitful in the conversion of many of the children. Recently in two classes ten accepted the Saviour. I wonder if we Christians appreciate this work among the children. Someone has said “ Save an adult and you save a soul, but save a child and you save a life.” There are great possibilities in the life of a child and we all know of incidents where a child has been the means of leading older persons to accept the Lord. Another branch of our work is the holding of noon-day Shop Meetings where we are able to reach the men who never go to church. We know this work has been blessed of the Lord, for God has given us many souls for our hire, for which we praise Him. We have four Shop Meetings a week thereby reaching nearly two hundred men a week. Please pray for these men as they hear the message that the Holy Spirit may convict of sin and bring them to the Lord. Then every day of the week, except Saturday, we visit the

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