August 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Budapest Students Rescued from Anatomy Class Which Demands Jewish Corpses Budapest, May 20. Jew-baiting which for sometime had ceased, was revived today at Budapest University under extraordinary circum stances. While Prof. Bugarszky was lecturing on general anatomy some of the students rose and demanded that four of his Jewish auditors be killed on the spot in order to fur nish material for dissection “so rarely have we seen Jewish corpses.” The students state that only the bodies of Christians were submitted for anatomical study, as the Jews bury their poor dead. They asserted that it was unjust to them that Jews should profit through study on the bodies of Christian dead. Prof. Bugarszky protested energetically a.gainst the inter ruption. He called for the assistance of attendants, who succeeded in helping four Jewish students to make their escape from the classroom after they had suffered minor bruises from students who attacked them. It was under stood the university senate intends to expel the unruly students. Vienna, May 20: Pogroms against the Jewish population of Transyl vania have been raging for days, according to a report from Klausenberg. There have been massacres in several towns. Twelve persons are said to have been killed and large num bers wounded. 1“ I am doing all I can for the spread of The King’s Busi ness. I have never seen a monthly magazine to equal it. I just love it and lend it, and give yearly subscriptions where I can. The last person to whom I gave it for twelve months in turn got ’her neighbor to subscribe, and so the blessed truth spreads.”—-L. A. R., Devonport, New Zealand. Class Attendance More Than Doubled “ Since we began teaching the “Whole Bible Course” our Philathea Class has increased from an average attendance of six to twenty women, fourteen of whom are subscribers to The King’s Business. There are six more members desir ing the magazine. Because of this course, the women are reading their Bibles more than ever before, also their King’s Business.”-—Mrs. W. L. C., Penna. Passes It On “ The King’s Business has imparted great help and bless ing to mother and myself. We read every word of it and should miss it greatly. We thoroughly enjoy the study of the Sunday School lessons and they are of great help to me in teaching my Sunday School class. When I have finished with a copy, it is sent to a tubercular patient in a hospital.” -—Aleithea V. Krumholtz, Baltimore, Md. Finds It a Tonicr “ I want to thank you for such a magazine as The King’s Business. I look forward to each copy, for, being based on God’s Word, it acts, as a tonic in the continual warfare. I appreciate the articles, especially those of an aggressive nature, for why should the children of God apologize for the faith delivered to them by their Father? Apologetics should have no place in a Christian pulpit; rather the prophet should declare his message, without any modifica tion or qualification whatever.”-—O. L. J., South Wales. Helps Greatly in His Preaching and Teaching. “ I enclose subscription to renew The King’s Business for another year. It was a gift last year and very much appreciated. This magazine has been one of the greatest blessings I have ever had. It has helped me wonderfully OUR LETTER BOX Roves It and Rends It
in my work of preaching and teaching and has opened the precious Word of God, to me more than any other means. I am indeed grateful to you for a magazine which tells the truth. • The, Lord bless; you all richly.”— F. I. B., Florida. Finds the K. B. Keeps Him in Ammunition “ I find that The King’s Business is a magazine which a Christian Can scarcely get along without. It has so mafiy articles of inspiration, and facts necessary to keep one posted and furnishes ammunition for the warfare against the modern enemies of Biblical truth.”— E. F. O., Beaver Creek, Minn. From a Veteran “Defender of the Faith” am a retired minister, 72 years of age.*** Since I began reading The King’s Business a few years ago, my faith has been greatly strengthened by its timely utter ances. ***i want to have the K. B. as long as I live and shall try to send at least one new name to you every year,” •— E. H. K., Newark, N. Y. Doesn’t See How a Christian Worker Can Do Without It “ Enclosed please find a check for which please enter ---------------------—for a year’s subscription. He hasn’t ever taken The King’s Business, so I am going to make him take it. I don’t see how a Christian worker of any kind can get along without it.”— F. E. M., Dallas, Texas. Enjoys the Way K . B. “Hits Straight from the Shoulder” “ Some dear friend sends me a paper called ‘The King’s Business,’ It is a fine paper, in fact, I think the best in its line. I do enjoy the articles and spirit. I, for one, like your way of hitting straight out from the shoulder and calling black “black” and not white. Keep up the good work.**** So many are getting so polished and nice that they couldn’t'offend even the devil. Do not weaken. Hit out, and remember there are many that stand with you.”— S. F., South India. Became Acquainted on the Train “ I don’t see how I can do without The King’s Business, as I think it is one of the best S S. magazines I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I wish I were able to put it in every home in the town in which I live. I remember very well the first copy I ever had the pleasure of reading. I had almost given up trying to be a Christian. Was travel ing on a train, found a copy of The King’s Business and began to read it. The more I read the more interested I became, so sent in a subscription and haven’t been without it since.’g - L . G. N., Alabama. Interesting, Instructive, Inspiring, Impressive. “ I cannot but thank you for your excellent magazine, The King’s Business, which I have been getting for the last two years. It is very interesting, instructive,- inspiring and impressive. I read it a number of times until I master all that is in it. Your Bible Briefs I note down in my Telegu Bible. Your International S. S. lesson helps are very helpful to me in my Sunday School work. In fact, I cannot do my work well without it. I will always be eagerly waiting for your excellent magazine. May the dew of Heaven rest upon you for greater service in His vine yard.”— M. L. (Seminary student) South India. Missionary Appreciates Firm Stand Against Modernism “ I am sending you this note to let you know how much I appreciate your magazine. It is the only magazine that gets here in time to be of help with the Sunday School les sons. This is a wonderful help to me. Then, I appreciate the firm, stand you take. We on the foreign field need to be refreshed again and again to keep up our courage. Even here in inland China, the students get ‘doped’ by the Mod ernism that is so pronounced in America now.*** Nearly all Chinese students who are sent to the U. S. A. to be educated come back infidels, no matter whether they were professing Christians before or not. A Dr. F—— — ,ir,a graduate from Columbia University, came back to China, and has been especially used of Satan to raise doubts in the minds of the students in the Word of God, and the students somehow drink it down with great delight.”— P. R., Shan tung, China.
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