King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE POSITIVE POSITION OF THE PRESBYTERIANS Just on the eve of going to press with this issue, the daily papers bring news of great and splendid victories for the Fundamentalists in the General Assemblies of both the Northern and Southern branches of the Pres­ byterian Church. IN THE SOUTH The Sixty-fourth General Assembly of the Southern

in the Lord Jesus Christ as being the only condition of salvation. “Tenth: We declare our faith in all those who believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth as being members of the household of faith belonging to the family of God, and children : of the kingdom of heaven. The Committee also recommended the following declara­ tion : “ The church remains at this; time sincerely convinced that

Presbyterian C h u r c h held its sessions in San1 Antonio, Texas, and be­ fore adjourning passed a resolution declaring its faith in all the fun­ damental doctrines of the historic church as follows: “First: We declare our faith in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa­ ments as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. “ Second: We declare our faith in the Deity of Christ as the eternal, only begotten and well beloved Son of God. “ Third: We declare our faith in the incarna­ tion of the Son of God, that Jesus Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, born of her, yet without sin. “Fourth: We declare

the Scriptures, as truly and authoritatively exr pounded in our confes­ sion of faith and in our catechism, teach: “ That Adam and Eve were created, body and soul, by immediate acts, of A l m i g h t y power,' thereby preserving a per­ fect race unity; “That Adam’s body was directly fashioned by Almighty God without any natural animal par­ entage of any kind, and of matter which was pre­ viously created f r o m nothing.” We know that every loyal believer will say “Amen” to this clear def­ inite pronouncement from these brethren. IN THE NORTH The opening days of the General Assembly of the Northern Pres­ byterian Church (meet­ ing at Grand Rapids,'

V A L I A N T F O R T H E T R U T H “ Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.” — Jude 3 Unfurl the Christian Standard! L ift it manfully on high, And rally where its shining folds wave out against the sk y! Aw ay with weak half-heartedness, with faithlessness and fear; Unfurl the Christian Standard, and follow with a cheer! * * * * * * * * * In God’s own Name, we set it up, this banner brave and bright, Uplifted for the cause o f Christ, the cause o f Truth and R ight; The cause that none can overthrow, the cause that MUST prevail, Because the prom ise o f the Lord can never, never fail! * * * * * * * * * Now, who is on the L ord’s side, w h o? com e, throng His battle-field $ Be strong, and show that ye are m en! com e forth with sw ord and shield! ( t W hat! p eace? while traitorous Evil stalks in false array o f light? W h at! p eace? while enemies o f Christ are gathering for the fight? * * * * * * * * * Unfurl the Christian Standard, with firm and fearless hands For no pale flag o f com prom ise with Error’s legion bands, And no faint-hearted flag of truce with m ischief and with wrong, Should lead the soldiers of the Cross, the faithful and the strong. * * * * * * * * * Unfurl the Christian standard, and follow through the strife The noble army who have won the m artyr’s crown o f life; Our ancestors could die for Truth, could brave the deadly glow, And shall we let the standard fall, and yield it to the foe? * * * * * * * * * But if ye dare not hold it fast, yours only is the loss, For it SHALL be victorious, this Standard of the C ross! IT shall not .suffer, though ye rest beneath you r sheltering trees, And cast away the victor’js crown for love o f tim id ease. * * * * * * * * * The L ord of H osts, in W hom alone our weakness shall be strong, Shall lead us on to conquest with a m ighty battle song; And soon the warfare shall be past, the glorious triumph won, The kingdom s o f this world SHALL be the kingdom s of His Son! Frances Ridley Havergal

Michigan) were marked by the election of Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney, pastor of the Arch Street Presby­ terian Church, Philadelphia, and acknowledged leader of the Fundamentalists. The outstanding layman present at the convention was William Jennings Bryan who had the pleasure of presenting the name Of Dr. Macartney for Moderator. In our next issue we will give a resumé of the important positions taken by the different denomina­ tions in connection with the Fundamental fight at their annual gatherings. WINGING GOD’S WORD A news item from Fort Morgan, Colorado, carries •a unique little story which we think is well worth passing' on to our readers because it carries with it a reminder and a heart suggestion of the value of the admonition found in the Bible :

our faith in the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary in paying the penalty for our sins; in sat­ isfying the demands of the broken law of God, and in secur­ ing eternal redemption for us. “Fifth: We declare our faith in the bodily resurrection of our Lord from the dead, which has brought life, immor­ tality and glory to light. “ Sixth: We declare our faith in the ascension of our Lord from Mt. Olivet to the right hand of the throne of God, where all authority in heaven and on earth is given unto him. “ Seventh: We declare our faith in the intercession of Christ as our great High Priest at the throne of grace, where He makes daily intercession for us. “Eighth: We look in faith for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2 :1 3 ). “Ninth: We declare, our faith in simple and sincere trust

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