August 1924 T H E K I N G ’ S 527 B E S T B O O R S The Biggest Opportunity /-w-f V >^ 1 1 1 « T Will You Give Me a Chance XJI. X O L I l -L / lX t to Pay You $100 aWeek? — — * « ----------- B U S I N E S S
One Hundred and One Hymn Stor ies, Carl P. Price. A collection of fascinating stories about the origin of, or incidents connected with the use of familiar hymns. (Abingdon Press) 75c More Sermons on Biblical Charac ters, Rev. C. G. Chappell, D. D., Pastor Mt. Vernon Place M. E. Church, South, Washington, D. C. A series of exposi tory sermons on Bible characters; original, graphic and sounding an evangelistic note. (Doran) $1.50. Gospel Sword Thrusts, Dr. Mark A. Matthews. Strong, stirring, fearless messages on timely themes, by the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Washington,— having the largest membership of any Presby terian church in the United States. Every pastor and evangelist should read this book which is appropriately named. (Revell) $1.25. Studies in Romans, Dr. W.- Leon Tucker, Editor “ The Wonderful Word.” A series of short, outline lectures on the Epistle to the Romans by this well known Bible teacher and author. Of especial value to teachers conducting classes on Romans. (The Book Stall) 50c. Seven Questions in Dispute, William Jennings Bryan. The contents of this valuable book appeared in a recent series of articles in the Sunday School Times, and briefly set forth the his torical and Scriptural arguments for the Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, the Blood Atonement, the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus, the Miracles of our Lord, the Origin of Man. Stronger and more definite than Mr. Bryan’s famous book, “ In His Image” and ought to be given the widest possible circulation. Eight cartoons by the well-known cartoonist, E. J. Pace, add to the value of the book. (Revell) $1.25. The Unique Historical Value of the Book of Jonah, W . C. Stevens. This book is “ different.” The Book of Jonah is viewed from an entirely new and original angle. As stated in the “ Foreword” : “Tested by the criter ion of true historical values, the inci-1 dents recorded in the Book of Jonah are found to be related not only to the entire scheme of creation, old and new, but also to the totality of histor ical development on earth.” (Revell) $ 1 . 00 . God’s World Program, Rev. Grant Stroh, author of “ The Next World- Crisis,” etc. A very timely volume on God’s plan and progress for mankind as revealed in the Bible. Mr. Stroh is Professor in Church History, His tory of Doctrine and Biblical Criticism at Moody Bible Institute. It is an interesting, instructive and significant work, written in a clear, concise man ner. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) $1.50. (Continued on next page)
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