King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Jane in the Orient, Lois Hawks Swineheart. Breezy letters from “ Jane” to her mother at home, telling of experiences while she is visiting her sister, a missionary in Korea. The book contains a real understanding of the need of the Gospel for those who have not. heard, and Jane finds her Saviour in this foreign land. (Revell) f 1.25. Jackson, of Moukden, Mrs. Dugald Christie. This story of the life of Arthur Jackson, written by a mission­ ary who witnessed the few wonderful weeks he spent in China, where he gave his life to stop the dread plague, is a gripping book and will be an in­ spiration to all who read it. Jackson was a young man who lived out the life of Christ and left a sweet memory in the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. He was a physician who gave promise of doing great things for the needy Chinese, but God’s will was that he go to be with him after .so short a time of service. (Doran) $1.35. The Wonderful Garden of the Word of God, by Sophie Shaw Meader. Mrs. Meader has produced an unusu­ ally helpful hook for Junior work the object of which is to teach dispensa- tional truth and inculcate a love for the Word of God, leading the children to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The eight lessons are carefully ex­ plained for the teacher, and object les­ sons, memory verses, questions and il­ lustrations are all simple and practi­ cal. We could wish that every teacher and home could have and use this booklet. 35c. Booklets The Outposts of the Citadel, or “Why I Believe the Bible Will Stand,” by James M. Gray, D. D. An address by the well known Bible expositor, Dr. James M. Gray, before the 113th An­ nual Meeting of the Charleston Bible Society. An intensely instructive dis­ course, handled in a clear, convincing and masterly manner. Unanswerable and very timely. Ought to have a wide distribution. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 7c. How the Bible Answers Conan Doyle, Dr. James M. Gray. A brief discussion, of the modern claims for Spiritism. Dr. Gray shows that the Bible clearly reveals the source of Spiritism, also reveals the plan of operation by demons, and absolutely prohibits intercourse with spirits. It is well worth reading and distributing. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 5c. Why We Believe in The Virgin Birth of Christ, Dr. James M. Gray. A strong, definite, Scriptural presenta­ tion of this important doctrine that is being so much attacked today. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n.) 7c. More Prunes! Less Medicine! Keep your stomach in good working order by a daily dish of good, appetizing Oregon Tart-Sweet Prunes 25 lb. box (large size) 10c lb. (Extra large) 13c lb. Express extra. Four boxes can be sent by freight at considerable saving. Address CHEHALEM MTS. FARM, Sherwood, Oregon

What other Pastors are doing, you can do — Helps Church

Enthusiastic R ev. Herman C. Beers, Jackson Sum­ mit, Pa.— *T am well pleased with your service and m y people are enthusiastic about our parish paper. ^I praise the Lord for our paper. 1 don’t know how 1 would get along without it.” Doing A Great Work R ev. John T. Munton, Kootenai, Idaho — “ Your work is excellent. Our paper is well received. 1 wish I had known o f your system years ago. Y ou are doing a great w ork for the Kingdom . 1 am glad to pass the good news on to my brethren.” A Great Success Rev. W allace Hartsell, Brevard, N. C. — “ A t first 1 was afraid to try a parish paper, but now I find it a great success. Compliments com e from every side.” It makes no difference whether your church is small or large, city or rural, you can have a parish paper at no cost to you or the church if you use our service. Not only this but you can make m oney for the church. Mail the coupon. W ithout obligating you in any way, free samples and particulars will be sent b y return mail.

Rev. Geo. L. Cooper, Durham, N. C.— “ Our parish paper gets better every month. It is accom plishing much for the church. Y our w ork and courtesies are entirely satisfactory.” An Amazing Welcome Rev. Charles W . Taylor, Rochester, N. Y .— “ Our parish paper has received a m ost amazing welcom e on the part of the people. Y ou give us splendid service.” $100 Profit in Seven Months "Rev. W . A . Humphries, Benham, K y. — “ For the past seven months our par­ ish paper has paid all expenses and there is over $100 in treasury as profit. Your service is splendid and efficient.” Your Church is just what you make it

The National Religious Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. Send me “ How The Rev. Charles Nelson Succeeded" and full particu­ lars and samples of your Parish Paper, without obligating me in any way. (This literature sent free of charge only to Protestant Pastors.) Name.

Simply f)|l in the accom­ panying coupon, tear off and mail. The story of “ How The Rev. Nelson Succeeded” will inspire you to greater activity. Send for your copy today. Use This CoupongMT

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Samples of the full line sent free upon request ------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------ UNION GOSPEL PUBLISHING Co., Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio.

Evangelical Theological College (DENOMINATIONALLY UNRELATED) D A L L A S , T E X A S C OMPLETE Theological Training with Exceptional Provision for Analytic, Synthetic and Expository Study o f the W hole Bible. FACULTY (First S ession ): Wm . M. Anderson. Jr. D. D.. W . E Carroll. D. D.. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Arno C. Gaebelein, D. D., Geo. E. Guille, A. H. Perpetuo, A. M., W . H. Griffith Thomas, D. D., A. B. W inchester. (Other teachers listed in Prospectus.) NO TUITION CHARGES. ROOM AND BOARD AT COST. Address for literature giving full information, ROLLIN T. CHAFER, Registrar Pro Tem, 804 Central Bank Building, DALLAS, TEXAS.

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