T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August 1924
THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN (Continued from page 495)
Sept. (I I I .) 1. The Beautiful Garden Palace Attacked. 2. A City Lighted by God. Note to Instructors. Do a little work each week goin g slow ly, enlarging and explaining subject and spending the month on the work. Read and tell stories to children ex plaining Bible passages after which Primary Group (children under 7) w ill dictate in their own words, answers to be written by instructor: while Group 1,;? (7 through 9) w ill w rite their own answers. BIBLE STUDY FOR AUGUST PART I. The Watchers Taken to the King’s Home in the Skies Primary Group (under 7) Answer first 9 questions (or more if desired). Group l.(Ages 7 through 9 )Answer first 13 questions. Group II. (Ages 10 through 12) Answer first 17 questions. Group III. (Ages 13 through 15) answer all questions. First Question: Who will be taken to the beautiful home in the skies be fore the King comes to rule on this earth? 1 Thess. 4:14-17; Luke 17:34, 35, 36; Heb. 9:28. Second Question: Read Heb. 9:28 again, and tell in your own words, also draw pictures or paste pictures on your paper to illustrate the difference when Jesus came the first time and how He will come the second time. (Sin may be represented by a large package1and Jesus’ first coming by a cross. See Acts 1:11, and use picture to show how Jesus will appear the second time.) Third Question: How quickly will Jesus come to take those that are looking for Him? 1 Cor. 15:52; Luke 17:24. Fourth Question: Who will be left behind? 1 Thess. 4:16. Notice it says “Dead in Christ” or Christians who Have died and “we” that is Chris tians who are alive. (Also see Luke 17:34, 35, 36). Scenes in questions 3 and 4 may be illustrated if desired for children by instructor by following outline on P. 32 in my little book “ The Wonderful Garden of the Word of God” (Biola Book Room, 35c) where candles and a magnet are used to make scenes realistic. Fifth Question: Read the story of the ten virgins, Matt. 25:1 to 13, and illustrate story by means of pictures and drawings showing closed door, bowls of oil, etc. Also tell the story in a few sentences. Sixth Question: When Jesus takes His church, or “bride,” to His home in the skies what will He give to each person? Rev. 22:12; 2 Tim. 4 :8 ; 1 Pet. 5 :4 ; James 1:12. Draw pic ture of a crown or paste one on paper. Seventh Question: For what are these rewards to be given? Eph 6 :8 ; Col. 3:23,24; 1 Cor. 3:13-15. Eighth Question: Read Rev. 19: 7-9 and tell what will happen when the Lamb (or Christ) takes His bride, (the church) to His home. PART II. Prophecies of the King’s Return to This Earth
n j j \rr»n a r\ what the Pacifists tried to do at the I C a U Methodists’ Quadrennial Conference at Springfield, Massachusetts? Have you read the comments by well known writers as to the great issue at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Grand Rapids, Michigan? H o v o i l k n o w that the Fundamentalist Conference y at Minneapolis will mean more to. the Church than now appears on the surface? D r .J am es M . G r a y will discuss this momentous subject in the July number of the Moody Bible Institute Monthly under the title: “Modernism a Foe to Good Government” (If you have read what the others have said—now read what Dr. Gray says) Dr. Gray’s previous articles in Moody Bible Institute Monthly on "The Deadline of Doctrine Around the Church” and "Why We Believe the Bible Will Stand,” etc., have been republished in pamphlet form in several editions, running into tens of thousands. Every lover of the truth will appre ciate Dr. Gray’s present contribution to this great controversy. Mail the coupon promptly to J
* Moody Bible Institute Monthly , 13UInstitute Place , Chicago , III.
A four months’ subscription to the Moody Bible Institute Monthly is now being offered for 50 cents, beginning with the July issue, which contains this remarkable article by Dr. Gray. Those wishing the July issue only, may sim ply send 20 cents in silver or 2 c stamps with full
Moody Bible Institute Monthly 134 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: I enclose 50 cents, for which I am to receive the Moody Bible Institute Monthly for four months. This will include the July number, containing Dr. Gray's article on “ Modernism a Foe to Good Government.'' Name----------— .----------------------------------------------.--------.---------.— Street ;----------------— —— ----------------;——— .——-----;------------ City-— r------------ ------:---------------------State--------------------------—
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CA L I FO RN IA COLLEGE “ Loyal to the Christian Fundamentals” COURSES OFFERED: Classical C ollege Course leading to the A . B. Degree, Theological Course leading to the Th. B. Degree, Post-Graduate Divinity Course leading to B. D. Degree, Junior and Senior H igh School, preparatory to College, Fine A rts— including Music, Expression, and Art. No Evolution nor Destructive Criticism are taught in this institution. For full inform ation and illustrated catalogue, address, REV. JOHN S. KIMBER, D. D. PRESIDENT 841 NORTH HARVARD BOULEVARD PHONE: H olly 1699 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
Ninth Question: Read L'uke 1:32, 33; Isa. 9:6, 7 and tell who is going (See next page) Any Book Advertised in These Columns May Be Obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
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