King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Church Pews the Best Equipped Church

HEARD THROUGH THE WAUL The godly Countess of Huntington once spoke to a workman who was repairing a garden wall, and urged him to take some thought concerning eternity and the state of his soul. Some years afterwards-she was speak­ ing to another on the same subject, and said to him, “ Thomas, I fear you never pray nor look to Jesus Christ for salvation.” “ Your ladyship is mis­ taken,” answered the man; “ I heard what passed between you and James at such a time, and the word you de­ signed for him took effect on me.’’ “ But how did you hear it?” asked the Countess. “ I heard it,” answered the man, “ on the other side of the gar­ den, through a hole in the wall, and shall never forget the impression I received.” A word in season spoken for Christ, how fruitful it may be! Mr, and Mrs. ffm , Cross, in charge of the Mississippi River Gospel Mis­ sion ,write us that they would be very glad to receive more good Gospel lit­ erature— books, magazines, tracts, Bibles, Testaments, Gospels, etc., for use on their boat “Maranatha” in which they go up and down the Miss­ issippi River, doing a blessed work among the people on the Government boats, logging boats, steamboats, as well as the isolated families along the river. They say that they are still receiving supplies, in response to a former appeal in The King’s Business, but that they can use to advantage still more, especially back numbers of The King’s Business and Gospels of John. SPLENDID RESULTS PROM FREE GOSPEL LITERATURE

A P E U T C WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN’S HUCHIO BOOKS—HIS LATEST WANTED Seven Questions in Dispute Ministers, Students, Active Agents—Write for terms F. H. REVELL CO., Publishers, 15S Fifth Avenue, N.Y SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible W om en who are being supported for from 77c to $2.00 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature. WE PRINT BOOKS CATALOGS BOOKLETS PRICE LISTS Halftone and Zinc Cuts Furnished Reliable Service FREDERICK | ? S GER*y CO. 316-318 N. 3rd St. St. Louis, Mo.

Furniture Plant in America Get particulars from us before purchasing ManitowocChurch Fur.Co. Waukesha, Wis.

“The Baffled Rabbi”

Ü ed court room spellbound for two hours, instructing Hebrew Rabbi in the faith of Christ. A copy of this Spirit filled testimony sent FREE by addressing. CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL 505 West 179th St. Estd. 1921 New York City Jewish boy holds crowd- MessengersScripture TEXTCALENDARS A M AK E MONEY FOR YOUR CHURCH —-*** TH IS CHURCH N EED ED MORE “ Enclosed

Scofield Bibles— Biola Books and Christian Literature. Free tracts. A gent for King’s Business. C atalog on request. N. J. Bible & T ract Depot, 353 Summer St., Paterson, N. J.

JY IUDAY 1 HERE'S ONE WAY h Our BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. light be interested and we will write to them and send descriptive ledge your courtesy and will send you helpful tracts upon receipt of and addresses. ool, alif. (536 S. Hope St.)



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Any Book Advertised in These Columns May Be Obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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