T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
August 1924
THE POSITIVE PRODUCT OF PRAYER (Continued from page 526)
am not afraid now.” We launched out and the great waves tossed us up and down and to and fro. By the time we were three or four hundred yards out in the swift current the wind was blowing as before. He could not go back, and he had to go on and in safety we were brought to our journey’s end and I made my steamer. “ Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” BEAUTY AND REASONABLENESS OF CHRISTIAN FAITH (Continued from page 483) because that is also a vital part of your mental make-up.” God knows what a beautiful power of the soul faith is. Thus without it we cannot please Him. Faith is Constructive In itself, or intrinsically, faith is a good thing, while doubt is undermining and destructive. This is still another reason why faith is pleasing to God: it is constructive, up-building. In the human world mutual confidence con notes a normal state of affairs, while distrust always implies an abnormal condition. Let me illustrate. Take the home. I have in mind a beautiful picture. Here lies a little child asleep in its crib, while the mother goes about her housewifely duties. Presently the child wakes up, and calls, “ Mamma!; Mamma!” The mother hears it. (Trust a loving mother to hear the call of her child). She hurries into the room, steps up to the cradle, and smiles down into the baby face. The little face answers with a smile. Then the little chubby hands and arms reach up. The mother bends down, puts her arms about the baby form, lifts it up, presses it against her loving heart, and
being strengthened. And every time you ask God to do something and He does does it, your faith will be strength ened. I went on to pray the Lord if it pleased Him to cause it to blow a mighty wind of God that I might get down the canal and reach the steamer in three hours. Then I went on deck to preach to the captain and others of the crew, for there was nothing to do but let the Lord take us. Out of a full, glad heart I preached to him full salvation, and he listened as a man does who has had a concrete demonstration of God’s power. He had to lower that sail to h^lf mast; the wind was blowing so hard that it was not safe to keep it up. We were carried along the river as fast as the prow could cut throught the water. On the last stage of that journey we had to cross the great river Yangtse, cross to Chinkiang three and a half miles. As we drew near to the Great River the captain said to me, “We cannot cross the great river in this wind.” “Why, you do not need to be afraid of this wind; this is a good wind sent by the Father ip heaven to bring us on our way. It can do us good and no harm.” But I saw from the look on the man’s face that he was very much afraid, and certainly the waves on the river were like the waves of the sea. Speaking to myself more than to him, I said, “ I believe if you are really afraid, I had better pray that the wind may go down.” By this time the man thought there was something in it! So he said, “ Please pray.” I went back and knelt and prayed the Lord to cause the wind to go down, and when I went out on deck the wind had fallen. “Now you are not afraid to go.” “No, I
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