King's Business - 1924-08

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August 1924


B IB L E IN S T IT U T E H A P P E N IN G S (Continued from page 496) more fam ilies from three to twenty-five miles in different directions from V illar- rica. Those who live too far to com’e to the meetings in town we must reach in their homes. Of all our Christians, I believe the ones who live in Pisadera are almost* the most worldly, and because of the revolution, we have been hindered in reaching them. So we started out to try to get them in line again. I do not have a w orker now but have been em ­ ploying one of our Christian boys to interpret into the Guarani, the language of the ignorant people. We visited all the Christian fam ilies in their homes, sang and read and talked from the Word according to the custom. Everywhere we went, we announced a meeting to be held in one of the believer’s houses. At the present time, I am busy preparing to be transferred to Bella Vista, a town on the border between Brazil and Para­ guay,” Harried Rev. Thomas Carruthers Duncan and H iss Irene La Porte, April 23, 1924, San Anselmo, Calif. A t home at Morgan Hill, Calif. . Miss Margaret J. Stuart, ’21 and Rev. A lex Rattray Hay, April 6, 1924, Posa­ das. Stationed at Corumba, Matto Grosso, Brazil (Caixa 125). Born To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith (Mildred Crump), a daughter, Mildred May, Los Angeles, Calif. To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart (Mar­ garet McConnell), a daughter, Ruth Chadbourn, Los Angeles, Calif. To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Polman (Leila Neher), a daughter, Elaine Christine, March 28, Los Angeles, Calif. To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nickel, a son, Daniel, May 17, Los Angeles, Calif. To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powlison, a son, Paul Stewart, December 27th, Tor- acari, Bolivia. E V E R Y M E M B E R O F T H E F A M IL Y will be interested in reading of the rewards earned by the children who took part in the Bible Study Contest, (Page 495). FREE SAMPLE PACKAGE Very Best, Sound, Neatly Printed Gospel Literature Our stock consists o f Tracts» Mottoes» Stationery, Post Cards, Blotters, Gospel Stamps, Pencils, Bread of Life Boxe^ etc. A ll publications sold at cost that other® “ M AY KNOW HIM.“ SERVICE PRINTING CO. 2809 N. 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa. L a t e s t M o d e l L ib e r ty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case. We will accept for a limited time orders at $40.C0 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. W H IT E M F G . CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III. -g^HURCn FURNITURE, P ew s, P u lp its, Chairs, A ltars, B ook

"Biola Best Books”

S IL E N T B E L L S A church in C incinnati claim s to have the largest bell in the world (with the exception of the great bell in Moscow, Russia, which is called “B ig ”). The C in­ cinnati bell claim s to be easily the largest in America, a s it is 10 feet in diameter, 12 feet high, and w eighs 30,000 pounds. When it w as first hung a number of years ago, its m ighty tones shat­ tered a number of w indow s in the vicinity, and since then it has only been tapped with a hammer. If rung in the right way, its voice would sound over a radius of fifteen m iles to call people to worship God, but as it is its sound is no louder than any ordinary sm all bell. It is sim ply for show, and of no greater value than any other bell. Is it not a tragic picture of some people’s C h ristian ity? The m ightiest force in the world, which should ring out the praises of God afar is dumb and reduced to the level of some social club or college fraternity! The Cincinnati bell m ight do some harm through its powerful vibrations, but the voice of the Christian would only shake down the stronghold of evil, were it to send forth aright, in the power of God the H oly Ghost. God forgive the dumb Christian, who cannot declare the Gospel! A silent bell, a motor car that w ill not go, and a watchman that does not warn are like the C h ris­ tian who cannot testify. H O M E R A H O D G S O N .

Whose Funeral?

Prof. A lfred Fairhurst said: “ The theory o f evolution, as held b y many, is an effort b y Naturalism to preside at the funeral o f Super­ naturalism, which it has mur­ dered !** Read Today A theism inOur Universities A lfred Fairhurst, A . M . D . Sci. An interesting book written b y a P rofessor o f Science, who com piled and reviewed the responses to a questionnaire sent to educators both o f higher schools and state educational boards— dem onstrating that our institutions o f learning are in the hands o f men who have cast overboard the Christian faith! Cloth $1.50 Just the Book For Young People! Scientific Christian Thinking For Young People H oward Agnew Johnson “ New light on several scientific questions has been discovered in these first years o f the twentieth century. In this new light some of the theories w h ich , dom inated the thinking w orld for the last third o f the last century are proved no longer tenable. This new light points in the direction o f God’s re­ lation to men and the w orld as being m ore direct and immediate - than was inferred when the evolu­ tion theories were supposed to be correct.** Cloth $1.25 Pass Them On! Modernism Examined By Brooks 4c ea., 40c doz. Truth and Error B y Brooks 25c doz. Science and the Bible Byl Dean 10c ea. Can a Man Be Scientific And Believe the Bible? H oward A . Kelly, M. D. If m oney does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D . unless other­ wise specified. If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. 5c doz.

W O U N D E D F O R M E Wounded for me, wounded for me, There on the cross He was wounded for me; Gone my transgressions and now I am free, All because Jesus was wounded for me. Dying for me, dying for me, There on the cross He was dying for me; Now in His death my redemption I see, All because Jesus was dying for me. Risen for me, risen for me, Up from the grave He has risen for me; Now evermore from death’s sting I am free, All because Jesus has risen for me. Living for me, living for me, Up in the skies He is living for me; Daily He’s pleading and praying for me, All because Jesus is living for me. Coming for me, coming for me, One day to earth He is coming for me; Then with what joy His dear face I shall see, Oh, how I praise Him— He’s coming for me. — Mrs. Gladys Watkins Roberts.

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