King's Business - 1924-08

ECOME A N I S H A N D S N ANNUITANT LL A N X I E T Y Hundreds of God’s Stewards Are Anxious C O N D I T I O N S HAVE CHANGED during the past few years so that some­ times contributions intended for the support of missionaries and Christian workers who are true to the fundamentals of the Word of God, have been used instead to undermine the faith of men and women, young and old. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO K N O W just where and how our money is to be used, for we must give an account of our stewardship, and when God’s books are opened, we must face the record. THERE A R E ------------------------------------------------------------- Three Definite and Satisfactory Ways o f Investing: FIRST: Give what you can now, and have the joy o f participating in the results while you live. SECOND : y y °u make a will, be sure that the portion o f your funds you desire used in God’ s service is definitely defined, and do not postpone the making o f that will until too late. ------------------------------------------------------------ today, as never before, concerning the invest­ ment of their funds for definite Christian work


Put your available funds in an Annuity Contract, where it will be insured for the future, and where you will know that the character of work being done is satisfactory, and from which you will receive annual or semi-annual pay­ ments as long as you live, at a rate commensurate with your age at time of making contract.

Send to Us for a Full Statement of the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, in th s land, and in China and for copy of our statement of doctrine upon which it is founded. It is different from many Christian Enterprises, and definite in its spiritual results. -------- -------------------------------------------------------------- A D D R Ë S S ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T. C. HORTON, Superintendent BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.

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