Why She Wept A certain widow walked into the study of a well-known pastor who is an earnest defender of the faith, and, with tears streaming down her face, said to him: “ Dr.------------,you know that my husband believed the Bible just as you do, and that when he gave the money to establish and endow the ------------Theological Seminary, it was his desire that only sound, orthodox theology should be taught there. Now all kinds of New Theology and Higher Criticism are being taught in that Seminary. I am heart broken about the matter, and yet there is nothing 1 can do to change conditions. THIS GIFT WAS DIVERTED TO THE DEVIL’ S USE. ARE ANY OF YOUR GIFTS BEING DIVERTED? GOD WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE if you place any of your funds where His L I V I N G WORD (Jesus Christ), or His WRITTEN WORD (the Bible) are denied. YOU are not only Entitled, but Obligated, to know Where and How your gifts are being used. Our Business We are training men and women for definite soul-saving and soul-strengthening work, either in the homeland, or in the regions beyond. Our students also do practical Christian work in connection with our various Evangelistic Departments (Jewish Work, Shop Work, Seamen’s Work, Spanish Work, Men’s Mission, and twenty-five Bible Women), while pursuing their studies. (Send for Statistical Report showing results for 1923). We make no charge for tuition and the expense of conducting such an institution is necessarily very large. _____________________________________________________________ ______ OUR FOREIGN DEPARTMENT
We Will Insure
Bible Training School, Changsha, Hunan Province, China 130 Students in Institute Bldg, and 12 Evangelistic Boats 13 Men on Each Boat Studying the Bible and reaching Tens of Thousands o f People
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on the above Statement of Doctrine, guaranteeing you satisfactory r e t u r n s when God’ s books are opened. Our Annuity Contract affords an absolutely safe life income to the donor, of from four to ten per cent, according to your age at the time of making the contract. Send for Booklet “ K” , Giving Full Particulars, to T. C. HORTON, Superintendent
Bible Institute of Los Angeles
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