King's Business - 1924-08

August 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Word of God, the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, the Atoning Blood of the Cross, and His Physical Resur­ rection, advise him to seek another field. Do not contribute a penny to any man, any church, or any missionary society that fails to ring true to your Lord. I f you do, you will find the charge entered against you by the Recording Angel in God’s Book.

against some wishy-washy, sentimental, goody-goody preacher? Do we care more for such an one, than for God’s Word, or for the souls of our children? If so, God pity u s! Awake, thou that sleepest! Be a full-fledged man or woman! Ask a few definite questions of the preacher and if he denies his. faith in the inerrant PERPLEXING PROBLEMS CONFRONTING OUR COUNTRY In the June issue of our magazine we published some facts under the above title sent to us over the signa­ ture of “ Georgia Robertson” of Washington, D. C., and under the caption, “ A Startling Discovery!” relat­ ing to the condition of the children in our public schools. The.writer of this article stated that “ trained sci­ entists had spent three years and a hundred thousand dollars in discovering facts, the knowledge of which in the future may lead to the elimination of many disturb­ ing and perplexing problems which confront us today. ’ ’ The article demonstrated that boys and girls, under certain tests, would both lie, steal and deceive. Another communication has now reached us from the same source entitled “ Religion Taught in the Pub­ lic Schools; How?” The appeal in this article is for “ the Bible in our public schools. Why cannot we have a carefully prepared text book, with lessons in hon­ esty, trthfulness, justice and fair dealing, to be used in connection with prescribed portions of the Bible and teachers trained for such work?” . We are staunch in our position that the Bible should have,a place on the desk of every teacher in every tax-supported school in this country. It is our right to claim it. But we cannot have our teachers teaching the Bible, for every known cult is represented among them, and that would create war among the pupils. We believe that selected portions of the Bible should be read each day in every school, without comment. These portions should be selected largely from the Old Testament, by the school authorities, and should be of a character to inspire reverent respect for the Bible as God’s Word. We rejoice in every effort which is being made to correct the conditions described concerning school chil­ dren, but these conditions have always existed, so far as cheating, lying and stealing' are concerned, and that is logical. Every child born into the world was born with a lying nature. We cannot evade that fact. No one ever kept the Ten Commandments, not even the first one. The commandments were given to show what God demanded of men, but the blood offerings prescribed for the very people to whom they were given were essential for the forgiveness of sin. Nieodemus knew the Ten Commandments from his youth up, but Jesus said unto him, “ Ye must be born again. ’ ’ The old nature can never be changed. The Christ of the cross alone can supply a new nature. Sin is in the very nature of man, and the law of God is “ The soul that sinneth it shall die.” Let us not try to evade this fact. We know from experience that it is so. “ Death has passed upon all men, in that all have sinned. ’ ’ The commission to every believer is to “ Go and give the Gospel.”

CORRECTING A FALSE IMPRESSION A great injustice has been done to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles through false statements and false impressions, growing out of the departure to be with the Lord of our beloved President, Mr. Lyman Stewart, to the effect that the Bible Institute is an endowed institution and not in need of financial assistance. Mr. Stewart’s idea of stewardship was different from that of most wealthy men. He believed in doing things while he lived and so gave gladly and liberally to definite objects, through which he believed God would be glorified. His gifts to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles were large, and his monument, in the shape of our present buildings, is outstanding. It seems to be the general impression that he left a large sum of money in his will to the Institute, but this impression is without foundation. As a matter of fact, Mr. Stewart left an estate of about $250,000.00, to be divided between his wife and children, and a percentage to the Institute which will amount to about $50,000.00 when the estate is finally settled, and of course, that time is uncertain. This statement is due to Mr. Stewart, whose noble and generous life has been an inspiration to many men, and it is also due to the Institute. We are dependent upon the gifts of God’s people for the support of our work, and commend it as worthy of the prayers and contributions of those who stand for the unimpeachable Word of God and feel a responsibility for carrying out our Lord’s command to “ GO AND GIVE THE BLESSED GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE.” The Lord’s blessing has rested upon the work of the Institute from the beginning in a deserted pool room to our splendid quarters where everything is devoted to one great object, and where every department is directed by those whose loyalty to the Lord is unquestioned. We will be glad to send to any of our readers all desired information. FLAG DAY DISTRIBUTION IN 200,000 HOMES OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN 4ca|cs|ca|ea|e3|e)|e3ie4e4c The Church of the Open Door, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and a number of cooperating churches, planned and carried out a city-wide distribution of the Gospel of John in Los Angeles, the greater part of the work being accomplished on Flag Day, Saturday, June 14, using the Special Edition advertised on Inside Front Cover of this issue. The same thing is possible and practicable of accom­ plishment in any city or community. Write us about it.

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