Inspired Learning Group - Head of Operations


OPERATIONS • Ensure the operational side of the business is fit for business and is delivering against the group’s strategic vision; • Review existing contracts for services, works and material supply and ensure we are leveraging economies of scale; • Develop a quality and value-based framework for services, contractors and suppliers; • Manage and procure value for money contracts for software, energy, construction and maintenance supplier frameworks; • Oversee the effective management and maintenance of the group’s sites, grounds and buildings; • Attend budget meetings and oversee budget spends; • Understand and advise on staffing structures and recruitment needs; • Act as a point of contact for Headteachers/secretaries for all operational queries; • Act as a point of contact for parental complaints and arrange panel hearings when necessary.

HEALTH AND SAFETY • Ensure that all health and safety related policies, procedures, rules and regulations are adhered to and are regularly reviewed, updated and communicated; • Ensure ILG meets its statutory and ISI obligations in all areas pertaining to health, safety and welfare at work, including statutory training and reporting (e.g. RIDDOR); • Ensure the completion and regular review of risk assessments for all relevant school/nursery activities, operations and environments; • Ensure that all accidents are documented, investigated and recommended improvements implemented; • Ensure that regular safety inspections are carried out, fire drills and fire alarms are correctly recorded, safety inspections, risk assessments, working at height and lone working procedures are managed and employees are aware of their responsibilities; • Ensure full and accurate health and safety and training records are maintained at each site; • Ensure there is a full programme of documented health and safety inspections, audits and checks; • Establish a structured programme

of health and safety training throughout ILG, including on employee induction;

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